Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Hiho everyone,

I'd like to have our main OA-space https://degrowth.co-munity.net/co-munity-csas/ viewable by everyone. Everybody should have the possiblity to look what we're talking about and trying to create here without the need to be registered. Only if someone wants to add/change content he/she should be forced to be registered first.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts about it.




I didn't found it via Google: How can I see a list of members of a certain space respectively a space to which I'm subscribed to?




I'd like to create a Wiki-page, on which I insert content structured by regular headings. Within the right sidebar I'd like to have a menu where the single items are local anchors which link to the paragraphs with heading h1, for example. The menu shall update itself with newly added headings on page-save. So basically a regular wiki-menu as you know it from dokuwiki, mediawiki etc.

Is it possible to have that within OA? If it's not possible to have it like that exactly then how do I create a menu as it is offered on this page: http://docs.openatrium.com/documentation/how-add-menus
-> See menu within the right sidebar.




Hi @all,

contrary to our decision of the last telco to use spreadsheets for our documentation regarding requirements/wishes for our technical solution I'd now like to propose to use wiki-pages instead as these are more flexible and probably more clearly arranged. As a base for discussion I created a documentation page where only a wiki-menu for the content is missing. I already asked Gualter how to create such a menu. Of course the single sections can be moved to single Wiki-pages so that we don't have everything on one page.

Any headache on this?




As a lot of the web-technical needs of CSAs are similar to other organisations working in sustainable sections I'd prefer to open our communication-process to non-CSA-organisations aswell.

Our goal could be to define our requirements as abstract/open as possible to have a target group as broad as possible. Example: instead of "we need a listing of our harvest-depots including contact persons" we could define "we need the possibility to list data records (= harvest-depots) with variable informations to show and it shall also be possible to show data from other related data records (=contact person, possibly member of local CSA)".

By this our solution would be usable by many more organisations + we might get more developers involved.

We collected some contacts when we thought about developing the website http://transition-initiativen.de/ (Site of the transition network). I've created a page with these contacts (deleted personal email-addresses before), so feel free to add your contacts there.

What do you think about opening the dev-plans to the broader community?



Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen