Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Can Decreix is looking for an EVS volunteer now (<30)!

Can Decreix is a place to demonstrate and reflect around the topic of degrowth. Started by activist scientists from Research & Degrowth (www.degrowth.org), Can Decreix is a centre for transformation, research, low-tech and agroecology (http://www.degrowth.org/can-decreix). Situated in Cerbere, France, on the sea-side border between France and Spain, Can Decreix was created with the idea to put in practice various degrowth strategies: simplicity in living, reflection and research, organization of meetings, of political and artistic events. This involves a range of activities from the organisation of conferences and workshops, to working on practical ecology methods and organizing of hiking through the local ridges, or bicycle tours. The project strives to have a minimal impact on nature, with minimum energy consumption, water recycling, solar kitchen and washing-machines without electricity. This involves a range of activities from the organisation of conferences and workshops, to working on practical ecology methods and organizing of hiking through the local ridges, or bicycle tours.

Can Decreix can host a volunteer from January until September 2015, providing food, pocket money and accommodation (part of the European Voluntary Service program). The volunteer should come from Italy or Europe and be under 30. The EVS volunteer will help with the overall activities of Can Decreix in 2015. These can be summarized in the following pillars:


I.                   The development of Can Decreix as a center for education, ecological/degrowth practice and research (networking with local projects, exchange of good practices, mapping local ecological resources).

II.                Improvement of the practical day-to-day organization of Can Decreix (gardening, construction, facilitating collaboration with short-term volunteers).

III.             Support the educational and awareness raising activities of Research & Degrowth (website maintenance, organization of a summer school on degrowth in the summer of 2015, various local events, development of a Physical Degrowth Walk in Cerbere)

Can Decreix tries to be an open space, which is connected with its surroundings. The terrain has vineyards and olive trees, situated in the typical for the Languedoc-Roussillon region, terrace shape construction. Intention is to grow and use as many eatable wild plants as possible, as well as to develop ecological and a forest garden. All activities are carried out in learning by doing process and drawn by an ongoing improvisation, where for example old beehives can convert to sieves for clay preparation. While all this is happening, there is time and space for spontaneous art, siestas and enjoyment of life, in line with a degrowth philosophy.

More information on Can Decreix: http://www.agroecol.eu/ca/candecreix1/node/4911

Contact us at: contact @ degrowth.net

Please help us to find someone


Wie heute gesprochen, als alternative zur Demaria et al. paper, hat François Schneider innerhalb der GROWL Netzwerk ein Dokumente über die "Sources" eingerichtet, die einfacher zum lesen bei nicht-akademiker sein sollte.

Ihr, als ausgebildet Experten, können natürlich dort mitstreiten und die Dokumente verbessern!




I am pleased to announce that we are building up the GROWL fundraising team, to start working on strategies and further project applications that support our growing degrowth network!

Currently we have the focus on a resubmission of the RELAIS Eramus+ strategic partnership for adult education (which we submitted last year, was approved but stayed 3% points below the funding line), as well as fundraising for the degrowth caravan. In the last partners meeting, it was also expressed the importance of getting hands on some fund that could support the organisation of workshops and courses by GROWL trainers. Furthermore, we can/should also work on a funding concept for the network that allows its long-term sustainability.

If you have ideas and skills in writing funding applications (esp. in English and German, EU, national, foundations, ...), or experience in whatever form of acquiring funds (e.g. crowdfunding), then write to the international office expressing your motivations and how you think you could help.


Hallo Leute,

ich habe heute im Kurs vergessen zu sagen:

diesen Samstag abend veranstalten wir bei uns auf dem Hof ein kleines Fest mit Lagerfeuer, Tanz, Musik, Bier und Schnaps. Quasi noch einmal Kräfte tanken, ehe es in die Klausuren geht. Fühlt euch alle eingeladen. Schlafplätze sind auch einige vorhanden.

Zu finden ist das ganze in der Oberdorfstraße 4 in 37127 Bühren.


Hi everybody,

we just created a 'manifest work process triggering document' ("Workstream degrowth manifest") and would like to invite everybody to contribute!

Anne and Arndt

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen