Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta



I wen't this afternoon with my gasap comrade Solène to iMinds, the institution in charge of on of one of the FIware accelerators: FInish.

On the sites it looks like only enterprized are possible candidates for this subsidies, but is seems that we as non profit organisations are also able to apply for this! It's a bit stupid they don't explain it better on the site, but at iMinds they told us that grassroots movement such as ours are welcome to participate.

The application needs to come from the IT devellopper side, which can be an association (doesn't need to be an enterprize, I was told. i'm going to ask for writteh confirmation). For us that would mean that Ecobytes would be the applying party, and the CSA organisations are the business partners.

The business partners have to bring in their part to contribute to the project. It can be money, but it could also mean testers of real case data to work whith, and other kind of content. These contributions have to be valuated in money terms (sum of all partners), the funds would be 5 times that amount

We can apply to 3 differnet accelerator projects. The iMinds person told us that we could fit in

AgriFood/ Logistics : FInish the one iMinds takes care of, 1st application december 10, 2nd in april

Clean tech,smart cities or agriculture : SpeedUP! (but deadline is in 10 days and not shure when the second one is going to be)

and a 3rd on in Smart cities sector, but have to ask again wich one...

I think i stop here for now. Let me know if you are interested and I'll add some more infos.

I guess if we decide to go into it we could find more interested partners in the Urgency netwerk.

see/read you



Interview for the "Stream towards Degrowth" with Rob Hopkins during the launch of his book “The Power of Just Doing Stuff” in Bielefeld, Germany.

The project Stream towards Degrowth informs about events and actions related to Degrowth in the run-up to the 2014 Degrowth-Conference. The Fourth International Conference on Degrowth will take place in the German city of Leipzig from September 2-6, 2014.

The focus of the 2014 conference is on concrete steps towards a society beyond the imperative of economic growth. The conference will give room for scientific debates, exchange between activists and economic pioneers as well as artistic approaches to the subject. Both scientific insights and concrete projects and policies will be presented, experimented with and discussed. It is part of an international cycle of events: so far, there have been conferences on degrowth in Paris 2008, in Barcelona 2010 and in Venice and Montreal 2012.

Why degrowth?

Many analyses from various scientific disciplines imply that a growth-based economic and social system cannot have a future: Despite a growing number of technological solutions for “Green Growth”, inequality and the destruction of nature are significantly on the rise. It is high time to develop economic and social models that are independent of growth and can provide for a good life for everybody.


Aufgrund der Kompatkwoche und eurer unterschiedlichen Beschäftigungen, wird es diese Woche keine Vorlesung geben.

Weil wir nächste Woche dann konkret in Degrowth (als Theorie und Bewegung) einsteigen werden, empfehle ich euch die folgenden Artikel zu lesen:

F. Demaria, Schneider, F., Sekulova, F., und Martinez-Alier, J., What is degrowth? From an activist slogan to a social movement, Environmental Values, Bd. 22, S. 191–215, 2013.

Sowie das Video,

"Life after Growth" (25 Min) (im Anhang dieser Post, auf der Platform)

Falls ihr Fragen oder Anmerkungen zu den Artikeln habt, könnt ihr natürlich auch kommentieren.


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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

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