Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Hi everyone,

Throwing in a bit input here to animate this group.

I have found that some guy developed a FarmOS, basically a Drupal distribution consisting of several modules that support farm organisation, including for CSA.

I think these modules miss the interaction/networking part (they seem to be very shaped to the north-American CSA concept), but at least some of them can be very useful and easen up our work if we decide to go for a Drupal-based solution (as is co-munity). The integration of these modules in OA2/co-munity would require some planning and work but should not be extremely difficult.



I have marked the German Solawi network meeting on my agenda, so that I can go there and present/answer any questions regarding co-munity. Does it make sense? Is there a time slot for this?

It is anyway just around the corner, so it's no big hurdle to go there, quite on the contrary :)

I saw someone already started putting some items on the working pad, I could also contribute something there, but need first to have an idea about what is planned for the meeting regarding discussions on this topic.


Dear participants of the Czech course,

I finally managed to put you all inside the sharing space for the course on the co-munity platform. I'm sorry this took so long, but the organisation of the degrowth conference soaked all the time.

Although you already had access to this space before, where the course materials have been posted, now you can also contribute to it, by adding, for example, notes that you collected, pictures you made, giving feedback on the course or simply taking part in discussions on the course forum or the general forum of GROWL.

You can at any time send notifications per e-mail to certain people or the whole group. To do so, simply select the appropriate options on the "notifications" box when you publish something.




Hallo an alle,

Nachdem ich eine vollständige Anmeldeliste für das Studium Fundamentale "Grenzen des Wachstums" bekommen habe, könnte ich jetzt diesen Bereich in die co-munity Plattform einrichten*.

Hier werden alle Materialien, sowie Literaturhinweise, hochgeladen. Ihr selber könntet dieser Plattform verwenden um miteinander zu kommunizieren, kollaborieren, Notizen teilen, usw.

Die 2. Vorlesung findet wieder am Donnerstag um 10 Uhr statt.

Bis dann!


* ich habe dafür eure @uni-kassel.de Mailaddresse verwendet. Falls ihr über andere Email Benachrichtigungen bekommen möchtet, könntet ihr das bei eurer Benutzereinstellung ändern.


Hi all!

Some Austrians will arrive in Namur on Monday 17-30 and might stay in the hostel. Who else is with us so that we can possibly get a group price?

all the best!


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen