

Montag, Mai 9 2016

Dienstag, April 19 2016

  • test
    Von on Dienstag, April 19

Freitag, März 18 2016

Montag, Februar 29 2016

Donnerstag, Januar 21 2016

Montag, Januar 18 2016

Sonntag, November 8 2015

Freitag, Juni 12 2015

Samstag, Februar 28 2015

Freitag, Dezember 12 2014


Aufgabe Zugewiesen zu Priorität Typ Status Kommentare Aktualisiertaufsteigend sortieren
Improve performance/page load Normal Feature Request Open 0 vor 9 Jahre 10 Monate
Protocols are hard to find Normal Feature Request Open 1 vor 9 Jahre 10 Monate
Degrowth Branding : change Login background Gualter Normal Feature Request Open 0 vor 9 Jahre 10 Monate

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co-munity is an open-source platform based on Drupal Open Atrium, which is being developed and extended to support processes of exchange and collaboration among and across communities of practicioners, political activists and academics on topics such as degrowth, transition, agroecology and commons.

On this space you can read or write documentation, submit bug reports, propose new features, ask questions or provide answers to other users.

Here be dragons