I'd like to create a Wiki-page, on which I insert content structured by regular headings. Within the right sidebar I'd like to have a menu where the single items are local anchors which link to the paragraphs with heading h1, for example. The menu shall update itself with newly added headings on page-save. So basically a regular wiki-menu as you know it from dokuwiki, mediawiki etc.

Is it possible to have that within OA? If it's not possible to have it like that exactly then how do I create a menu as it is offered on this page: http://docs.openatrium.com/documentation/how-add-menus
-> See menu within the right sidebar.




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I guess I want to have the same as this guy: https://www.drupal.org/node/2052631 but don't have the same permissions ...

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Yes, I also think we should make adding menus/hierarchy to document pages much easier than what the Phase2 guys suggest on that post.

The previous OA version had an automatic structuring of document pages in book types, which made it much more intuitive for the end user. I had already several complaints from older co-munity users about this missing feature (just like in previous OA with book pages). Something like the #20 comment would be probably what we need.

We should discuss how to best implement this within the current OA structure - either by adding a new content type (e.g. the standard book page), or by editing the current document content type.