Wann: Dienstag, Jul 21, 2015 - Freitag, Jul 31, 2015, (Ganztägig)

Pinhal do General, Seixal, Portugal

From 21st to 27th of July, feeding on the inspiration of the GROWL caravan, I will be sprinting to get our GROWL book ready and would like to invite those who can to join.

Are you willing to join at my place, or, when not possible, reserve substantial amounts of time to work together online? In Portugal I will be at a house with garden not far from the coast, offering the possibility of finishing (or starting) the long writing and revision sessions at an Atlantic beach ;)

On the 25th I'll have a day off - birthday and evening party with those who are around.

If you feel like joining a convivial marathon on the book, go look for last minute deals. Otherwise it would be great if all those on the editorial team and Ricardo could join online or be available to the extent possible.

Greetings from Montemor-o-Novo, we had a very inspiring course here and are getting ready for the caravan :)


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The marathon has officially started and the first thing I'm doing is putting all existing material together.

Check, follow and contribute on:


Things I'm having trouble with:

1. Lack of reviewers: if you want to review something, please contact me (here, mail or skype)

2. Still have no proposal for the layout: Ricardo, how is it going?

Continuing tomorrow - how's your availability to join?

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I have been making good progress with the structuring of the book. It is a though and complex one, but clearly worthy when going through all your contributions and starting to visualize how it will look like in the end!

You can check the Trello board at any time and the activity stream to see how progress is going and to answer questions that I constantly pose you ;)

Some infos to keep:

  • Tuesday, starting at 11 AM CET we will have a session for collaborative writing of the introduction
  • I will be off (not -line, because I'm of course always connected) during the weekend
  • I will continue to work on the book during next week and then make a summer break
  • Ricardo is also going on summer holidays and will present a proposal of the book on the beginning of September, on time for the wrap-up partners meeting on Sept 7th-8th

I wish you a nice weekend and hope to talk to you next week!