
Here you find guides, tutorials and other information on how to organise GROWL courses and participate as an active trainer in the network.

How to make your own course - organizational part



  • Select an appropriate location:

    • best if barrierfree acessible and and free of distraction.

    • It would be nice if it allows people to come early or stay afterwards.

    • make sure that there will be enough space(s) for people to gather, preferably different rooms for eating, sleeping and the program itself (consider how much space you need according to planned activities)

    • organise things so that we take care of a few basic coherence with degrowth like organising a compost spot, get bicycles,…


This document attempts to sum up and bring some clarity on the collaborative development procedures of GROWL and the need for having more agility in organisational processes and structures supportive of grassroots-based transformations.

This document is in progress - your contributions are welcome

If you want to take part and have no access to our sprint board, please e-mail the GROWL International Office requesting access

What is commons-based peer…

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Course Reflection - HEB course Belgium 15.11.14


Input from Idee Reseau

There are always all types in the courses so make sure your methologies are designed to activate as many people as possible

Left Brain

Information: I value knowledge

Experience: I value action

Right Brain:

Imagination: I value intuition

Feelings: I value sensitivity

Statements and suggestions to make it a more holisitic learning approach…

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Inclusion of people under 18, aka "children" and "youth"



As in our society work and spaces gets more and more divided, also young people get more and more marginalised and been looked at in institutions. Public space, where it is not already sold or been built on, is serving mainly the needs of consuming society, not the needs from young people to learn in their neighbouthood environment from an age mixed group, playing, exploring or transforming it, yet to say: Being an important member who participates.

Young people are objects which need to be pedagogically observed and trained, and therefore to be brought…

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TTT Modul- suggestion


TTT module for Leipzig Course

Thursday 11-09: 9.00 - 13.30

A.  9.00: START

Welcoming of the TTT participants at the end-point of this long conference + training time!

Some “presence exercises” helping the people to be there.  

Remembering that we are now in a special TTT training that means a reflection and action time for trainers and networkers inside of Growl.   

Feedback are asked to the participants in…

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Invitation and pre-information Leipzig course

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Be Aware- a Think-about-Manual for course organizers


degrow the program!

To build a degrowth society we also need to degrow our life! Many activists overburden themselves with a lot of engagement. Although we want to work together we don't want to become overworked. We want and need time for awareness, for permanent feedback and evaluation, for fun and conviviality...

Think about time for relaxation, for dancing, singing and music, for outside activities and games. Common evening activities can be great fun.

We need pertubation! Find a person to who is aware of the atmosphere, a person to interrupt and…


Trainers Area

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