Dear TTT teamers,

To keep everyone updated on the progress of our team in the development of the TTT module, please take a few minutes to provide your answers to the following questions within the next 24 hours:

  1. What have I done since the TTT sprint planning meeting?
  2. What will I do in the next week?
  3. What prevents me from advancing with the tasks in progress or taking on new tasks from the TTT sprint backlog?



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Dear TTT teamers,

as announced when we formed our TTT group

Jannuary is in our University college

competely full with exams, meetings, interviews ...

until 6th of february.

As programmed I wil have time on 

tuesday 10 and wednesday 11/02

to work on TTT module.

We programmed a TTT scrum on 10/02

at 10.00.

Are you still OK for this scrum ? 

François (fransuisse)

Your profile picture

1. I haven't done anything since the planning meeting

2. I will have to clarify with Silvia if it makes sense for me (work- and timewise) to be in this group. If not I will not do any work and will not be part of the next scrum on 10/02. I was part of the last planning group more as an observer.

3. I cannot do any work on my own here yet so all depends on what I wrote in question 2.

Best wishes,
