
440 Ergebnisse exportiert:
Conference Paper
K. Bourcarde und Herzmann, D. Karsten, The misunderstanding of “Growing Growth”, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Bourcarde_Growth vs. Degrowth_misunderstanding exponential growth.pdf (2.93 MB)PDF icon 3694.pdf (436.92 KB)
J. Manuel Qui Diaz, Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary systems, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3189.pdf (53.6 KB)
J. Manuel Qui Diaz, Money and Freedom in the view of Polanyis Great Transformation: Decommodification by constituting alternative monetary institutions, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3198.pdf (61.28 KB)
T. H. Greco, Money, debt, and the end of the growth imperative, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.
A. S. Vélez R., THE MYTH OF PROGRESS AND SCIENTIFIC ONTOLOGY, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3742.pdf (39.26 KB)
D. Rodenhäuser und Diefenbacher, P. Dr. Hans, The National Welfare Index as a potential instrument for the transition towards a Degrowth society?, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Diefenbacher_The National Welfare Index as a potential instrument for the transition towards a Degrowth society?.pdf (2.76 MB)PDF icon 3628.pdf (61.68 KB)
P. Bofill, Natural Economies, the Alternative to Money. Card game simulation conclusions, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Datei Degrowth2014_Bofill_AlternativesToCurrentMonetarySystems_NaturalEconomies.pptx (71 KB)PDF icon 3455.pdf (104.06 KB)
B. - J. Luber, Need and Use of Participatory Procedures to ensure Compliance and Legitimation of Codes of Conduct for Governing Nanotechnology's Risks, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3470.pdf (84.58 KB)
B. - J. Luber, Need and Use of Participatory Procedures to ensure Compliance and Legitimation of Codes of Conduct for Governing Nanotechnology's Risks, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3471.pdf (91.72 KB)
S. Lange, Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Datei Degrowth2014_Lange_Macroeconomics of Degrowth I_Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth .odp (235.42 KB)PDF icon Degrowth2014_Lange_Macroeconomics of Degrowth I_Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth .pdf (98.11 KB)Office presentation icon Degrowth2014_Lange_Macroeconomics of Degrowth I_Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth .ppt (341 KB)PDF icon 3732.pdf (36.29 KB)
M. San Miguel, New tools for new times. Cocreating the world currency of the future, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon San_.pdf (264.33 KB)
V. Moreau, Meylan, F., und Erkman, S., Next level carbon cycling, quantifying the carbon recycling potential, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3500.pdf (239.08 KB)
J. Wiefek und Sommer, D. Bernd, No good life in a bad life? – Experiences of degrowth-orientated actors in a growth economy, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Office presentation icon Degrowth2014_WiefekSommer_SocialActorsAsAgentsForChange_NoGoodLifeInABadLife.ppt (815.5 KB)PDF icon Degrowth2014_WiefekSommer_SocialActorsAsAgentsForChange_NoGoodLifeInABadLife.pdf (829.9 KB)PDF icon 3695.pdf (73.61 KB)
V. Kiss, Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3250.pdf (107.67 KB)
L. Nierling, A normative framework for the development and use of technologies in the degrowth context, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Nier.pdf (272.68 KB)
B. Knoop, Nothing but Growth for Shrinking Cities? Urban Planning and its Influencing Factors in Poland, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Knoop_Shrinking-Cities-Poland(PPP).pdf (1.36 MB)PDF icon 3668.pdf (337.53 KB)
L. Alvarez und Hernández, M. S. Lysete, Of the Constitutive Principles of a Post-Capitalist Economy, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3576.pdf (226.63 KB)
F. Larsen, Old Ideas: Values in Second Hand Markets, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3683.pdf (189 KB)
S. Puglia, Ficarola, F., Lamanna, D. Davide, Leoni, A., und Leoni, S., The “Open Altra Economia” (OAE) project: Open Data and Open Source Software for a sustainable economics, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_WLAB_OAEProject.pdf (1.45 MB)PDF icon 3483.pdf (751.23 KB)
F. Schneider und Sekulova, F., Open Localism, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3750.pdf (85.81 KB)
I. Rybnikova und Hartz, R., Participation and economic growth in cooperatives: Empirical explorations of a (supposedly) well-known relationship, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Rybnikova_Hartz_Participation and economic growth in cooperatives: Empirical explorations of a (supposedly) well-known relationship.pdf (149.24 KB)PDF icon 3519.pdf (54.34 KB)
K. Jeffrey, Pathways towards an environmentally sustainable economy: Explaining the differences, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon jeffrey_beyondGDPIndicatorsForADegrowthTransition_PathwaysTowardsAnEnvironmentallySustainableEconomy.pdf (1.38 MB)PDF icon 3457.pdf (1.15 MB)
J. Luís Home de Carvalho, Peasant agriculture or agribusiness: what production model would lead to degrowth?, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3272.pdf (19.51 KB)
U. de Zoysa, Peoples Sustainability Treaties: A Platform for a Common Narrative, Agenda and Movement, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3637.pdf (37.49 KB)
G. Maschkowski, .A., M., Schäpke, M. S. Niko, Grabs, J., und Langen, D. Nina, The perspective of change agents: Why do they engage, what do they learn und what conditions are needed for up-scaling? Insights from three case studies, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3728.pdf (58.87 KB)