
Background materials used in the course, including readers and other supporting documents, presentations, etc.

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SoliKochbuch der Vokü Rantamplan

sorry, the numbers got mixed up , so try to start from 10 when reading.

just received this input from Vokü  Rantamplan which contributed beautiful food making to our course...


enjoy the recepies!

we might have some translation of some recepies for the dokumentation soon!


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Hallo Silvia,  Heike und Eva,

das ist die Info (siehe Anhang, PDF, zu schön um wahr zu sein) die ich zum getanzten Vortrag habe, mögt ihr noch etwas ergänzen für die Dokumentation?

lg, Katja

Poem of Maria Zwirner

This is the poem of Maria Zwirner, the elder lady, which welcomed us in the intergenerational garden.

The poem is about intergenerational issues as well, but right now just in German, where it also rimes.

Is someone up to translate it into english?

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Frauenkreis , Methode und Durchführung


-Raum schaffen für vertrauten Austausch unter Gleichgeschlechtlichen

- Erfahrung eines Frauenkreises machen, Inspiration

- Möglichkeit, jederzeit einen Frauenkreis mit anderen Frauen zu iniziieren


sensible geschlechterspezifische Themen können besser angesprochen werden, wenn ein vertrauter Raum dafür geschaffen wird

dies ermöglicht uns, uns selbst unsere Lebenssituation besser zu vergegenwärtigen/reflektieren und außerdem können wir ggf. die Erfahrung machen, dass unsere " Lebensthemen/Probleme/…


Course documentation Witzenhausen for GROWL Book

Living, Learning and Working together Community Building for a degrowth society

Documentation of the Course in Witzenhausen, Germany
 May 31st -June 7th, 2015

Organizer: Transition Town Witzenhausen e.V.
Concept: Silvia Hable, Katja Mangold, Gualter Baptista
Organizational support: Gilles Ramponi, Farid Melko

„Social movements play the most important role for the transformation to
a sustainable world culture (scenario “great transition”, Paul Raskin)”


Studies about Communities and Degrowth

Hi people,

for the documentation I am looking around for some studies around communites and degrowth.

I found one on the Kommiune Niederkaufungen close to Witzenhausen, which exists since 1983, comparing

ressource usage with some ecological orientated families of the same small town.

Unfortunately it is just available in German, you find it in the annex.

Here is another link for english readers, also touching some basic topics of community and degrowth.


Notes on Deschooling

just some notes that were taken during the discussions:

when people say "a genius can cope with the school system" we should think of the fact that actually we're all genius (at least 98% of all small children) but school takes it from us...

school institution: no fair system, often a lot of "torture" involved

lessons are completely disconnected, too short, too fast and without time to take the information in and think critically about it

does the legal system give us opportunities not to go to school? --> very difficult in Germany

there are…


Saturday morning we went on a philosophical walk with the topic of Community Learning and Intergenerational Issues. We focused on Ivan Illich critique on education and his vision for deschooling society. Below (and attached for printing) is the text excerpt from Ivan Illich book that we discussed upon during the Saturday walk.

«In a previous chapter I discussed what is becoming a common complaint about schools, one that is reflected, for example, in the recent report of the Carnegie Commission: In school registered students submit to certified teachers in…
