Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


There is some visible progress on the book and some of you have updated and even shared the current state of the chapters.

Still, most of the chapters remain on the "Todo" state.

I would like to ask you a few concrete things:

  1. Please update the cards on the Trello board according to the state of your chapter, if you have not done so
  2. Provide me with information if you will be able to provide a final draft for review of your chapter until June 15th (please check the book chapter guidelines) and, if not, when you would be able to do so
  3. Do you have the need for more guidance or support on writing your book chapter?

Furthermore, I use the opportunity to answer a few questions posed by Susanne.

I put a lot of effort into the documentation of the course which is online on the platform, also because I understood this was what should be published at the end. It is still a network on degrowth learning and thus methodologies, right?

Yes, GROWL is still a network on degrowth learning and that includes the methodologies. The online materials are the main source for the process of commons-based peer production that we want to keep alive after the 2-years of the GROWL funded partnership.

The book is an additional deliverable that we have as part of the project, and which aims at providing an overview of the different modules and courses that happened in this 2 project years. It is therefore based to a large extent on the modules and materials already published online, but it must obviously deal with other constraints and also is targeting a somehow different group.

My suggestion would be that the documentation of the Leipzig course will be the core of the book chapter and Christoph is willing to write a longer theroretical introduction (2-3 pages) to it which explains our approach and understanding of mental infrastructures of growth to meet more your ideas of a chapter.

This should be ok. You should make sure that the whole content is not exceeding 70000 characters.

What is the goal of the book?

Within the last editorial meetings, we have decided for example to provide the readers of the books with a somewhat more lively report of what happened in these 2 years of courses, rather than just editing a book of theory and methodologies - because that can be better found and used from other books or on this online platform.

Is it going to be printed and published? Where and how?

The book will be printed and published. We originally planned to print 500 to 1000 books, which would then be distributed among the partners according to their percentual contributions to the common fund.

A suggestion from R&D came to actually contract with a publisher to have a better outreach. This is option is currently being explored by François and Federico.





Hello everybody, here  is the the Lost & Found Post from the Growl Event.

At the Burg Ludwigstein I lost a small little black bag(size: 10cmx15cm) It is may washingbag.  Inside are scissors and something else.

if someone had found it, please let me know, THanks


Dear all,

hope you arrived well back home and you are still inspired!

We are so and now we start with the documentation of this course.

Therefore I would like to remind you on the following things

  •  please upload any notes you have taken, even if they are not complete, especially abotu discussions after presentations

This saves us a lot of work from listeing to audio records for hours

  • please write some experience summary. This might go for the whole course, as well as just for one slot, especially interesting for the formats which have no writte documentation, like the contact dance or the working experience or about the food, the yurt...
  • from the open space we have just material about economic basics. What else has happenend? Did you record or write down a summary from your talks?
  • you are also welcome to upload pictures

If you have any difficulties, you can also send your material via email


Thank you so much for this beautiful course!

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen