Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Hey gilles!

Ich brauche dich am Mittwoch für das Helfertreffen, bist du mit dabei?

am bessten wir beide treffen uns schon vorher, so um 14h lg, Katja


Hallo Gualter!

Am Mittwoch  vorraussichtlich um 15 Ur ist ein ersten Helferkooridnationstreffen,

diese Möglichkeit sollten wir nutzen um den Teilnehmern eine kurze Einführung in die Bedienung dr Platform zu geben,

könntest du uns bis dahin für die einzelnen teams etherpads einrichten?

oder zeigen wie wirs selber machen?

lg, Katja


Our meeting to plan the GROWL book has been very productive and helped us build a common vision for what we want the book to be. We are starting our work to compile the different modules and interesting experiences coming from this 2 years of the GROWL network into a nice compilation that inspires others to learn and act.

We took a few important decisions that we believe are essential to get us quickly done with a nice looking and inspiring book:

  1. We want the readers to feel some of the inspiration we all got by taking part in the courses. Therefore, the structure of the book chapters in the book, has a mix of "module as theory" (as in the GROWL platform) and the own unique experience of the course itself.
  2. We will not have a separate chapter for methodologies, but rather integrate them in boxes layouted along the chapters, where senseful. The same happens with authors and concepts coming from the degrowth theory.
  3. The deadline for sending a final version of the module for review (by course/module coordinators) is June 15th. With this, we will not have the 500 books printed on time for the last GROWL meeting, because the HEB printing service will be then closed. However, we will try to bring a nearly final version, which can get some last reviews and comments from the course and caravan participants.
I have updated the guidelines for writing book chapters. Make sure to read the carefully. You can also follow our progress and join the work on the Trello board.
The next editorial meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 28th, 11:00 AM.

If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact anyone in the Editors team - or just write a reply here :)



hier mein Vorschlag für die Bestellung, Mindestbestellmenge 600 €

schaut doch nochmal über den Katalog drüber zum ergänzen!

bei den Mengen in Klammern würde es mir helfen wenn ich weiß, ob die Vokü da über GROWL hinaus Bedarf hat, dann würde ich die größeren Mengen nehmen

bis morgen! Katja

15kg  Grünkern (25?)

 25kg Einkorn

25kg  Emmer

(Waldstaudenroggen-> wofür?)

25kg Mais (wenn für Polenta geeignet)

15kg Leinsamen (25?)

25kg Linsen

15kg Buchweizen (25kg)

(10kg Urweizen)

25kg Langkornreis Italien

(25kg Rundkornreis Italien)

20*500g Dinkelbandnudeln Kornkreis Erzeugergemeinschaft

2*25kg Rübenzucker  Südzucker

8*250g Hanföl Kornkreis (2* ?)

6*0,75 l Apfelessig Natur (2* ?)

2*6*680g Tomatenpassata, Bruno Fischer (GROWL)

2*12*150g Tomatenmark (GROWL. Küche)

6*500g Getreidekaffee Kornkreis (GROWL, auch für die Schöpfkelle? dann 2*)

(10*500g Lupinenkaffee)

6*250g Kaffee Gepa(GROWL)

5l Weißweinessig

2*6*200ml Senf, Byodo


Hello Course Participants from GROWL Witzenhausen Course,

We are very happy to welcome you to the course plattform

You will receive within the next days all necessary information about the course, logistics, programm, what to bring and where to go, texts to read beforehand...

It will be a very interesting course.

Even though you didn't hear from us quite a while, that's why we are very busy to get the course started.

So see you soon and don't hesitate to get into contact with each other through the plattform now!

Gilles, Katja, Silvia from the organisation team

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen