Hi @all,

contrary to our decision of the last telco to use spreadsheets for our documentation regarding requirements/wishes for our technical solution I'd now like to propose to use wiki-pages instead as these are more flexible and probably more clearly arranged. As a base for discussion I created a documentation page where only a wiki-menu for the content is missing. I already asked Gualter how to create such a menu. Of course the single sections can be moved to single Wiki-pages so that we don't have everything on one page.

Any headache on this?




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maybe we could better use a drupal task tracking module for this. Or maybe github could be integrated to use its task tracking. IMHO task tracking is one of the essentials of our (web crew) success. Therefore we should try to use some more specific tools for that...

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I prefer Trello for this. It's closed sourced, at some point would like to provide a proper alternative (there is kanban for drupal!). But it works very very good, especially when we follow an agile approach with very mixed teams. We can setup a product backlog (or more - for example one CSA, one for TN, etc. - or use labels instead), then anyone can add cards there and later on we prioritise and define the work.

As much as I like to eat our own dog food, I just find the task tracking that this platform offers (or even of GitHub) is not really fitting the needs of agile development...

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And for org-mode fans, there is this cherry-on-top-of-the-cake for synchronising with Trello ;)

(sorry, couldn't resist to share - haven't set it up myself, but looking forward for it at a future witzenhäuser hackers' lounge :))