World cafe - transition movement
How can the need be fullfilled
- Keeping a good shape in health
- take care for yourself and others, than it will come back to you
- confronting with people
- strong motivation
- redistribution of land money and resources
- built up collektive inteligence
- real participantary democracy
- keep water pure
- negotiate the needs of everyone in the collektive
- controll of the technologie
- having time and space to communicate and share
- unconditional basic income
- empowering creativity
- our machines shoudl be easier to repair
- sharing
- learning knowledge and skills
- learning to say no
- repairing old buildiungs
- set the limits
- altourism finishing thinks
- felxibility reliabilit , responsibility adaptabion versitility
- feeding the insekts, flowering the gardens
- nonviolent communication
- asking
- defending our rights
- running vegan cooking classes
- empathy
- learn to be content
- spending time with children is inspiring
- define needs more precise
- less resources needed
What are the threats for the movement
- greenwashing
- only bio is not enought
- having good conciouns
- not regognising real needs and geeting in comsumeristic behavior
- leaving, sitting ( PC)
- lack of contacts
- start now
- waste of time in wirtual games and internet
- nanotechnos
- replacing letters by numbers
- lack of learning
- politicians
- lonelyness
- antirevolutionary " you can not massage capitalism away"
- break up of relations and families
- growth mass production
- seperation in no levels ( individuals, activities and countrys)
- lack of continuitiy and reliability
- recouperation by capitalism
- Lack of critical reflektion ( esp. animal rights)
- lack of gender relatetd diskussion
- romantisizing ( good old life)
- racing number of burn out plus depression
- self righteiousness
- aliens ( or to be seen as one)
- greedy market based logics
- idea of competition
- capitalism
- the scale dimensions
- evil chemistry
Parallels to other movements to histroy
- Boy scout
- degrowth movement
- good life for all
- rousseau : back to nature thoreau
- unions
- landlessmovement
- naturfreunde
- dezentral beginning
- zapatista
- indiginious movement
- postcolonialism
- ghandis satyagraha
- romantic
- hammisch
- ecological movement
- womens movement
- gay lespian trans movement
- buen vivir
- black power and rights
- nazis
- peace movement of the 80ties
- hippies
- 68ers
- anarchist movement
- squaters
- tao
- goa people
- fear of futue crisis, will to change world, into a better world, shared vision, minorities
- Wagenburg
- rainbow people
- liberation theology
- the diggers 17th century england
- wooblies
- grouppi acquisto sociale
- marxisitic base
- luddities
- 867 reads