GROWL international courses application form

By filling in this form you are applying to take part in one or more courses of GROWL.

The deadline for application is October 30th. Applications for the Leipzig (Germany), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Belgium courses are no longer possible.

A decision on the participation and funding applications will be communicated in November.

If you have any questions please write to

Please add your address (street and/or city) if you would like to be visible on the future trainers map.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png.
Please mention with which partner organisation you are participating. If are not a learner/part of staff of one of the mentioned organisations, please choose the option "none of the above". You will then be contacted by a partner of your country if your application is selected.
Please indicate if you register as a learner or if you are active in GROWL within your partner organisation.
Please select up to 3 courses options where you have availability to take part in its full extent and have a topic that interests you. To become a trainer you should attend at least 2 courses, usually one in your country and one abroad.
It is particularly important that you provide detailed information if you want to get active and/or become a trainer.
Please describe your knowledge and experience in relation to degrowth or related projects
Language, children and food*

GROWL tries to be an inclusive project. Independently of language, family situation and children, or food requirements, we try to provide the conditions for everyone to have equal opportunities to take part in the courses. As such, we ask you to answer to the questions below, in order to help planning the logistic needs for each course, particularly in what regards translation, childcare, food and accessibility.

Please note that the answers given in this section will not be used as criteria for selecting participants for the courses, only for helping course organisers plan accordingly (without guarantee).

Please state how many people, including children, will accompany you to the course(s)
Please add any details about the accompanying persons that can help us organize logistics and needs at the courses (e. g. age of children, special requirements of accompanying persons, etc.)
Please describe any impairments you have that might affect your participation in the courses (e.g. allergies, visual or physical impairment, etc.)
GROWL is to a large extent funded by the EU Grundtvig Program. Nevertheless, we still require additional funds to support the build up of this network and the local projects and initiatives that we are supporting with it. Please indicate how much you would like to donate to support this project.