
Looking for EVS sending organisations


Transition Town Witzenhausen has 2 placements for EVS and we want to submit an application for the upcoming Erasmus+ deadline. You can see here one of our earlier EVS placements, and the description will probably not change much now.

It is a bit in last minute, but we have mostly everything ready and would just need one or two sending organisations to fill in some paperwork until October 4th. The call and selection for…


An international conference for scaling-up green economy learning (!) will take place in Paris, December 16th to 18th, organized by OECD, UN and other institutions.

It could be an opportunity to bring some concepts of degrowth inside, particularly through the work made with GROWL and the advancement in methodologies, pedagogy, philosophy and politics of learning for degrowth.

The conference is free, but registration must be submitted by 15th of October.

Would someone like to go…


How to pack your stuff in a degrowth way


Hi people,

at the end of the degrowth caravan we were reflecting on a good way how and what to pack for (degrowth) walks.

As there is a lot of knowledge out there, from scouts, hikers and outdoor freaks, I would like to gather some useful hints about making a good luggage for further (degrowth) caravans.

What is absolutely necessary? What materials do you prefer?

Many of the outdoor things are expensive and the material is highly chemical based. Are there natural alternatives, where we can inspire ourselves for example by old pastor cultures?

What are…


Dear GROWL participants,

As you probably already know, we are putting together a book about GROWL. With the book we want to have a kind of anthology that both aggregates the modules developed by the different partners, as well as provide the reader with an impression about the "life within GROWL".

For this, we thought of asking participants in the courses to send us some feedback or sentences that we could include across the different chapters, providing the book with a stronger…

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Dear All, I hope you are doing all very well. I wanted to come to the last growl courses but it is an expensive ride from Chile to Europa.

The topic I opened is to allude to the necessesity of a slide colection at least for the degrowth core course to spread the general idea of degrowth. I have the chances to speak about it here in Chile but really doesnt have time to make slides to speak 1 or 2 hours. I know there are many (experts) collegues in the growl-network who do have some material and maybe are willing to share it. If yes please let me know.

It would be great and would…


Can Decreix: two EVS positions are available (for <30)!


Can Decreix: two EVS positions are available (for <30)! There is a deadline this month (avril) to make a new application.

Can Decreix is a place to demonstrate and reflect around the topic of degrowth. Started by activist scientists from Research & Degrowth (, Can Decreix is a centre for transformation, research, low-tech and agroecology ( Situated in Cerbere, France, on the sea-side border between France and Spain, Can…


Do you want to follow what is happening right now on the palace where Napoleon was meeting his lover Walewice and where now around 30 people are learning about Degrowth and Agriculture?

Then check it all on the Degrowth & Agriculture course community! Live notes, pictures and podcasts are being added to the platform at all the time, allowing you to keep track on what's on. We are also happy to get your comments, questions or remarks - just login and start typing (or use the live notes etherpad to chat with us without logging in).

The last two days I was taking part at an inspiring workshop organised by the European consortia P2Pvalue. These guys got a large EU funding for bringing together much of the stuff related to the digital commons and commons-based peer production (CBPP) and trying to come up up technological solutions and platforms to further promote it.

With GROWL are pioneering an approach, by starting our process (bootstrapping) from within communities (including temporary physical communities such as the GROWL courses, or permanent like the "relays") and…


Degrowth is gaining grounds in Greece


How does the world that we envision look like? Does life exist beyond austerity and the markets? What are the necessary (institutional and social) changes in order to make the transition to a society detached from the imaginary of (economic) growth? These and many more questions were discussed during the first degrowth conference that was organized in the Architects School of the Athens Metsovio Polytechnic, on 20-22 February 2015.

The three day conference entitled “Forum- political laboratory: Prosperity without growth, proposals for another world in common”, gathered more…

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Dear Growl-Community,

if you know people who are interested to participate in an 8 days course about Rethinking, Reusing, Recycling – Community-Based Activism from May 2nd to May 10th in Kosovo, please share with them this Call for applications. It is part of the grass-root programme "Balkans, let´s get up!" that supports since 5 years civil activism in the Balkans (therefore only people from 11 Balkan countries can apply) which focus on peace, ecology, permaculture, gender, ... the course is the kick off to realize your own small project for which a grant is…
