


I'm one of 4 people who want to discovering if and how we can ground/join an ecological farm collective. I will refer to this community as the VH (Vierkanthofgroup).

 I, and 2 other of the VH live also together with another person in an apartment, where we form one household with ecological concerns, although those are more important for the VH-group inside of it.  I will refer to this community as the WG (Wohngemeinschaft).

The VH started this summer some activities to explore the broad world of collectives and bio-farms, in order to:

Experiential DEGROWTH Learning

I was just surprised by a sudden experiential breakdown of industrial civilisation inside the computer lab.

A lot of writing is gone, I am quite disappointed now and am not gonna write it again, because dinner is almost here.

I am going to work on the subject anyway until the course in Witzenhausen.

Sharing the experiencis from the course

I would like to share the experiences from this course at "Summer school of environmental thinking" that I organized with my friends from university this summer. We would like to repeat it next year and it would be nice to do one "GROWL day" with some theory about degrowth and some practical excursions too, e.g. to the local community gardens.

So first, I will share my experiencies of degrowth with other organizators of summer school and then we thought about the best layout of the day. 

Test assignment after millenium crash recovery

Hello this is a short description of the context :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus maximus, lectus at laoreet tempor, neque massa rutrum libero, id venenatis arcu ante vel nisl.

Nam mollis felis in nibh dictum sollicitudin. Donec sollicitudin turpis nisl, ut luctus lacus tempor non. Maecenas nec ipsum at nulla sodales fringilla ut eget enim. Nulla vulputate elit gravida ullamcorper ultricies. Cras aliquet cursus orci, quis fringilla leo lobortis id. Maecenas molestie eleifend ex in consectetur. Mauris tempor euismod mauris, et interdum justo molestie sit amet. Sed vulputate dictum lacus ac vestibulum. Suspendisse erat nisl, consequat ac est id, mattis auctor ante. Aliquam venenatis gravida elit, at placerat tellus blandit ut. Vestibulum eu orci eget nibh facilisis luctus non eu velit.

Economistic economy?


- To deconstruct the idea of economy as an economistic science, reestablishing the connection between society and economy.

- In a social model where economy is seen in its substantial form (the study of the different ways humans have to survive) (as opposed to its formal definition - most efficient way to manage scarce resources), degrowth (ie, a society where the growth of PIB no longer matters) might be the end point of the different actions undertaken to promote development;

User stories from Leipzig

Below is a collection of user stories suggested by Leipzig course participants. The idea was to develop these into assignments to become a GROWL trainer.

*Time issues in Degrowth Trainings     Christoph Sanders ( KNOE, Leipzig) was interested to do this

*As a traveler and global citizen, I want to open the debate on mobility within degrowth society so that we can adress this dilemma on a more systemic leven

*As a part of different teams, I want to learn organization building and pedagogic technics to create working sustainability