Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Trunk & Roots was not strong enough for evocation on the different parts, only on the first day.


Wie geht es mit euer Gruppenarbeit?

Habt ihr schön die Vorschläge ausgewählt? Wäre schön für alle zu wissen welche und entweder in die Pad die entwicklung schreiben oder in eine Dokument Seite.

Ich werde innerhalb der Wochenende die aktuelle Text der Dokumenten lesen und kommentieren.

LG aus Barcelona,



As you know, this same platform that we are using will be launched as the participants area for the degrowth conference. The development of this platform is the main reason why I have every single day sitting here, despite your sweet calls for socialization at any time of the day or night ;)

Now I'm looking for testers to go through a few use cases as users of the conference. The tests should not take long, but the most important is that you are able to provide me with feedback.

In case you feel like testing it until this Saturday, please navigate with your login to http://degrowth.co-munity.net/spaces#tab-All and request a membership to the degrowth conference. If you have any difficulty with this procedure, just write me directly to gualter@ecobytes.net

Thank you!


(sorry for the double message)

Dear beta tester of the participants area of the Degrowth conference,

Thank you for your valuable help with the platform development and testing. After some delays, I want to finally ask you to proceed with the tests (even though some of you already sent feedback :))

This testing is focused on the user experience you get on trying to make cerrtain common procedures on the site, mostly taking the perspective of a conference participant.

Please choose a few of the stories from below (or think of new ones) and give me feedback - positive and negative aspects of your experiences - until tomorrow, or as soon as possible over e-mail (gualter@ecobytes.net):

  1. As a recently registered participant of the conference, I want to be informed and clearly guided to the virtual participants area of the conference
  2. As a participant interested in taking part in the GAP process, I want to register to working group X, so that I can attend the sessions at the conference
  3. As an academic participant, I want to find, read and download the academic papers
  4. As a very critical and stubborn academic participant, I want to find the paper of author X and bash him down!
  5. As a participant, I want to navigate in the GAP groups, so that I *finally* understand what is this whole GAP thing and stirring papers about
  6. As a participant of the conference I want to change my notifications setting, so that I can receive only a daily digest
  7. As a visitor I want to access, read and download academic papers

Please note that the etherpads (collaboration documents on each working group) are currently down, so you should see an offline pad message. This is the correct behavior for the moment. If you don't see the offline pad window, please report it.

Thank you very much, looking forward to hear from your experiences!



I write something for me to read

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen