Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Here is our chapter on the social dimension of agroecology.



Ideal for individuals & Small Projects
20 € one-time setup
Yearly costs: none besides the membership, as long as you keep your site safe and up-to-date (for managed hosting see costs below)

 Farm (Network)

Ideal for projects that needs many blogs/sites that can be seperate or connected to each other. Easy content and technical management via network administration interface.
One-time setup fee: 80 € (providing access to backend for autonomous management of multiple sites, as well as 1 free support hour)
- Wordpress Latest version installation
(wordpress 4.2.2 on june 29 2015)
- Nginx server with W3 Total cache

- Wordpress Latest version installation
(wordpress 4.2.2 on june 29 2015)

- Nginx server with W3 Total cache

Managed hosting (minor upgrades): 10 €/month
Additional support: 40 €/hour
Managed hosting (minor upgrades): 10 €/month + 5 €/month/site
Additional support hours: 40 €
- Wordpress Network Installation depending on the request.
- All the standard membership features.- All the standard membership features.

Drupal Standard

Ideal for medium-size organisations, projects and networks

One-time setup fee: 80 € (providing access to Aegir control panel and autonomous management of multiple sites, as well as 1 free support hour)

Yearly costs: none besides the membership, as long as you keep your site safe and up-to-date (for managed hosting see costs below)

Atrium managed

Ideal for large groups and organisations

Offers a range of communication and collaboration tools with advanced groups and notifications and want to rely on the combined expertise of Ecobytes developers, project managers and community builders to shape a large network site.

One-time setup fee: 1000 €, including requirements analysis of the organisation (personal interviews and survey), co-design of one space blueprint and 3 hours training

Yearly costs: 500 € (after first year), including managed hosting and 4 support hours

Atrium network (co-munity)

Ideal for groups and organisations of all sizes

An Open Atrium network of groups and organisations managed by Ecobytes and co-developed with their user communities and networks

which like to build flexible and complete communication and collaboration with very low costs

No setup or running costs

Served by high-performance Drupal optimized BOA servers with nginx, redis and several caching mechanisms available out-of-the-box for all sites setup

Served by high-performance Drupal optimized BOA serversServed by high-performance Drupal optimized BOA servers
Backend management Aegir

Powerful and block-based management of widgets

Check http://openatrium.com for the full list of features

Box-like layouting of widgets

Predefined blueprints for spaces

Discussions, Documents, Folders, Events, Geolocations, Issue tracking, Etherpads
Optional: Code and DB running on SSD (+5 €/month)Code and DB runs on SSDCode and DB runs on SSD
Managed hosting (keeping sites up-to-date within minor version changes) starting at 10 €/site/month (dependent on site complexity)Fully managed and maintained by EcobytesFully managed and maintained by Ecobytes
Support costs and development: 40 €/hour, or otherwise as agreed for support packages or feature-driven development.Support costs and development: 60 €/hour, or otherwise as agreed for support packages or feature-driven developmentSupport costs and development: 40 €/hour, or otherwise as agreed for support packages or feature-driven development.
- All the standard membership features.- All the standard membership features.- All the standard membership features.
Hosted on Hetzner root servers with encrypted data and 100% powered by renewable energy

Virtual Machines

We are also providing Virtual Machines that you can run any Operation System(s) and services via KVM. But rather than creating some standard packages we're willing to discuss depending your needs, projects and what we can offer for that unique requests. If you are a developer or technician wanting to deploy services for your organisation, please get in contact with us: we always look forwards for synergies that help to provide a broad range of services to a larger network of people, projects and organisations.

General Notes;
- All the servers run Debian GNU Linux, unless a different Linux distribution is requested.

Policy on exceeding quotas

Additional disk space to the 10 Gb written in the membership can be agreed with us.

This includes the size of the databases, websites, mailboxes and list archives and storage space on any of the cloud storage services (OwnCloud or Open Atrium). After 10GB, either the member establishes an agreement for a regular additional contribution to Ecobytes, or a charge of 1 €/Gb/year applies. This will take place at the time of renewal of the hosting package and an the costs will be included in the invoice.

Service Level Agreements and Quality of Service

Although as a community-supported IT collective we cannot and don't want to provide SLA and QoS, there have been cases of projects and organisations which required this. We therefore are available to establish case-specific SLA and QoS, which in any case will carry additional costs, which are to be agreed between both parts.


We keep encrypted backups of your data for 7 to 30 days (depending on the service/data).
We can restore your data within this period, generally for a fee of € 50.00.

NOTE : All prices are in Euro (€).

Changes in this information

The information on this page serves as an indication only and is bound to change. Please contact us in any case to get more information and get into concrete agreeements on the services provided.


Presentation by Noemi Candiago

Roots in the Frankfurt school

Georgescu Roegen

Guy Debord

Ivan Illich

André Gorz

Serge Latouche

Cornelius Castoriadis

There is always an imaginary within every society. You can have an heteronomous society when there is an external referent to it (e.g. religion, economic law). The opposite of it, autonomous, is when this imaginary comes from within.

Who's in charge of taking a decision which has an impact on peoples' lives? An autonomous society is a democratic and self-organizing society.

The question of justice, for example, is permanently open in an autonomous society: anything that emerges can evolve.

Society takes responsibility of its own action - when you understand you can create your own laws, you create a respect that society can create its own laws. Castoriadis came out with the concept of "magma". This magma is from which all institution emerge, but which cannot be representative.


Presentation by Stacco Troncoso, P2P Foundation

We know what the old story is: capitalism, neoliberalism, etc.

There should be a new story, but we don't know exactly what it is or what name it has.

Within the mainstream, be it the Vatican or the Amazon bookstores, there is

Value being created by civil society: e.g. of the unplanned occupation of the squares 15-M

The P2P/Commons Movement

2 billion people sustain themselves from commons

Types of commons

  • Natural resources
  • Culture
  • Digital commons
  • etc.

P2P means peer-to-peer, person-to-person

It is a high productive mode of production - it is fast and it works. For example Wikipedia managed to put the Encyclopaedia Britannica out of business in 6 years

Commons are communities, resources, where P2P dynamics (as relational dynamics) take place - they are interdependent

Growth as an outcome of capitalism

We commodify nature and turn nature into problems

Cognitive capitalism creates monopolies on information.

Patent systems are a scarcity creation mechanism that helps to create a monetary value on products.

Natural resources are scarce; but knowledge is abundant

Cognitive capitalism makes knowledge scarce to be able to make profit out of it (therefore approaching knowledge from the scarcity situation of natural resources)

What happens to all the jobs that are lost in the Encycl. Britannica? They build up different modes of production!

Facebook is P2P in the front - massive generation of value through P2P relationships, but the exchange value goes all to the shareholders (not for those involved in the generation of value)

Sharing economy: it's a great story, but, how much do I have in common with the person that is profiting from my sharing, e.g. in airbnb? It's a Silicon Valley libertarian model, it generates taxes. They are taking the vocabulary, the imaginary of sharing, and giving it back to you, profiting from it.

Why not create a municipal bnb? The exchange value would go back to the municipality and eventually to the people, that generate a use value.

If we are mutualizing resources by putting them to private companies, then we are further increasing its scarcity (since they will manage it in a way to generate value)

Bitcoins present a more decentralized system. However, it is designed on the libertarian mindset. We created a new technology, a new type of money, but it ends up being more unequal (estimations that bitcoin finders have 50% of the money in circulation).

The interest use of the blockchain technology in bitcoins is that it creates a trustless system - you don't need to see the face of the person you are negotiating with, to be able to trust it.

For-profit-P2P: value created should go back to the value creators.

Does individual profit make you happier, or community profit instead?

Locally-based, for-benefit, decentralized P2P: transition initiatives, occupied squares, ... They are not profit oriented - the objective is to generate value to the community (e.g. health, food, ...)

However, Transition groups use e.g. Facebook to organize their P2P relations...

We need ownership of platforms into coops.

The systems for p2p are there, but are very fragile: for-profit p2p companies are absorbing them.

Design globally, produce locally: e.g. of open source ecology and the modular tractor. Design commons, for knowledge which is abundant. Production through microfacture at the local level.

It provides a circular economy, both in knowledge (commons-based) and the regeneration (use of local resources, small scale)

Coops: try to not get attached to the market; make it multistakeholder; ...

P2P lowers the cost of production and transaction: if you have a profit-based business its great (and accelerates growth). Therefore, P2P systems are only revolutionary when not driven by shareholder profit.

P2P economics and P2P politics are interdependent!

A commons transition

A series of ideas and policy proposals that reflect the needs and create the capacities for local realities. Scaling up of P2P dynamics in all life spheres.

If you make a policy for this town, everyone on this town will need to have a say.

It provides a way our of capitalist relationships, but also of bureacratic top-down administration.

"Podemos" has simplified the message that has been created by the civil society.

Because we don't control the media, we cannot see the potential, the value of what we have.

>> CommonsTransition.org working with Ecuador, Greece (Syriza), ... downloadable book available

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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