Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Liebe Leute, hier der Stand der Doku.

Vieles fehlt noch, aber so ist es einfacher, überhaupt die richtigen Leute anzusprechen und eine grobe Übersicht zu bekommen, was noch bevorsteht, um eine gute Doku zu bekommen.

Dieses Outline bezieht sich nur auf die programmatische-methodische Doku, also zusätzlich ist dann noch der ganze Essens und Logistikteil, sowie Hintergrundinfos zum Modul selbst.

Mit Burkardo habe ich telefoniert. Er kommt nächste Woche um seine 2500 Fotos hochzuladen.

Mit Emre habe ich noch nicht gesprochen.




Please comment within the text, change chapters, write your name, if you want to deliever some text or media until end of june

1. introduction ( 3 pages)

  1.    subject of the module- community building ( what kind of texts apply to it?)
  2. connection/relevance of degrowth ( text about the lack of community deriving from growth society and it negative outreaches, text about community building processes with scientific background of prooving ressource saving and better mental health/ less crime etc...)
  3. Aim of the module

- participants getting to know practically and methodologic ways of community building

-enabling participants to transfer experiences in their own communities

- enabling participants to get the capazity to evaluate critically methods and projects on the base of degrowth thinking

- enabling participants to raise awareness on critical points of community building

- building up a stronger community within Transition Witzenhausen by organising this course and sharing the way we did it as example for community building events in other places

2. content part (10 pages)

  1. Mainstream approach to the topic ( lack of communities, activley destruction of communities via architecture, life and workstyles, landgrabbing...)
  2. degrowth approach ( urban gardening, public space reclaim, intentional communities building, transition towns, transition streets etc...)
  3. Alternatives

- methods and existing alternatives ( from projektbörse, short explanation about the projects, their aim as well as the critique and evaluation of the participants regarding degrowth sources

3. Experience of the course ( 15 pages)

  1. what was done and how

- organisational description with focus on community building before and during the course for TT WIZ, (this can go into boxes with ideas whom and how to connect-->needs to be transferable)

- special focus on the food supply ( Katja) ( this can go into boxes, with numbers, prices, calories, sources of food etc.)

- description on all methods , best practise ( based on evaluation)

- annex with all pdf and some worked out discussions ( on learning), texts ( on women in reformist movement)

- experiences from participants ( boxes, esp. contact impro, practical working experiences and the yurt)

    2. pictures ( from burkardo)

4. conclusions (2 pages)

5. Reference List (3 pages)

- links to authors ( eg Eisentein)

links to movements ( Reconomy)

links to papers...


Book chapter from the Witzenhausen course on community building.

Please comment within the text, change chapters, write your name, if you want to deliever some text or media until end of june

1. introduction ( 3 pages)

  1.    subject of the module- community building ( what kind of texts apply to it?)
  2. connection/relevance of degrowth ( text about the lack of community deriving from growth society and it negative outreaches, text about community building processes with scientific background of prooving ressource saving and better mental health/ less crime etc...)
  3. Aim of the module

- participants getting to know practically and methodologic ways of community building

-enabling participants to transfer experiences in their own communities

- enabling participants to get the capazity to evaluate critically methods and projects on the base of degrowth thinking

- enabling participants to raise awareness on critical points of community building

- building up a stronger community within Transition Witzenhausen by organising this course and sharing the way we did it as example for community building events in other places

2. content part (10 pages)

  1. Mainstream approach to the topic ( lack of communities, activley destruction of communities via architecture, life and workstyles, landgrabbing...)
  2. degrowth approach ( urban gardening, public space reclaim, intentional communities building, transition towns, transition streets etc...)
  3. Alternatives

- methods and existing alternatives ( from projektbörse, short explanation about the projects, their aim as well as the critique and evaluation of the participants regarding degrowth sources

3. Experience of the course ( 15 pages)

  1. what was done and how

- organisational description with focus on community building before and during the course for TT WIZ, (this can go into boxes with ideas whom and how to connect-->needs to be transferable)

- special focus on the food supply ( Katja) ( this can go into boxes, with numbers, prices, calories, sources of food etc.)

- description on all methods , best practise ( based on evaluation)

- Transition Town Workshop Outline


- experience of jurtenwesen.de 


available :

*** Klangraum: Working Experience


Sabine Knappe: pdf on womens movement

outline Transition Movement Farid Melko

Ivan Illich Text for Walk (see related content)

Ingenerational approach

- Input Susanne Weber Rappe ( Audio)

- Silvia Hable:

methodlogy: intergenerational walk (see also/expand on the "philosophical walk on degrowth" methodology)

open space

world café

Gualter: Input on GROWL (this is available elsewhere / part of book introduction)

Sources of Degrowth (related the content here; will be part of theory chapter)


Katja: contact improvisation

Heike und Eva: danced speech

Olli: Intro to jurtenwesen

Helge: Input on council

Ella und Helge: Men and Women Circle

Francois und Steffi: pdf on vortrag/discussions

Gregor uns Frühstückgruppe: Rezepte und Erfahrungsbericht

- annex with all pdf and some worked out discussions ( on learning), texts ( on women in reformist movement)

- experiences from participants ( boxes, esp. contact impro, practical working experiences and the yurt)

    2. pictures ( from burkardo)

4. conclusions (2 pages)

5. Reference List (3 pages)

- links to authors ( eg Eisentein)

links to movements ( Reconomy)

links to papers...

Learning webs and Illich critique on schooling

Saturday morning we went on a philosophical walk with the topic of Community Learning and Intergenerational Issues. We focused on Ivan Illich critique on education and his vision for deschooling society. Below (and attached for printing) is the text excerpt from Ivan Illich book that we discussed upon during the Saturday walk.

«In a previous chapter I discussed what is becoming a common complaint about schools, one that is reflected, for example, in the recent report of the Carnegie Commission: In school registered students submit to certified teachers in…


Sources of degrowth

Degrowth is not about unity or flags. The variety of degrowth concerns is a good "vaccination" against degrowth becoming a sort of "ideology". However in spite of this degrowth is quickly attacked for having a limited world view (but never the same one!). As a matter of fact a degrowth idea that would have limited concerns would be problematic.

Degrowth combines its concerns.

Degrowth is rich in its meanings and does not embrace one single philosophical current. Its practitioners do not worship a book or author (nor several).…


Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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