Do you want to follow what is happening right now on the palace where Napoleon was meeting his lover Walewice and where now around 30 people are learning about Degrowth and Agriculture?

Then check it all on the Degrowth & Agriculture course community! Live notes, pictures and podcasts are being added to the platform at all the time, allowing you to keep track on what's on. We are also happy to get your comments, questions or remarks - just login and start typing (or use the live notes etherpad to chat with us without logging in).


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Its a great idea!!! Will be easy to document as well as to read the materials.

Saw some slides and video uploaded!

Nice job!

Have a great time!!!

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Thanks Binita. We seem to have already a significant crowd watching the live notes now ;)

For Twitter fans, I'm also posting some stuff under the #GROWL tag. Retweet to disseminate ;)

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Very nice.

As we are having a crazy :) discussion about CSA back in Lisbon/Portugal, I am especially curious about them.

So I'm looking forward to know more about the experience in Poland.

(I remember that in Thessaloniki's course we had initiated a question about how cultural or social values might influence the choice of different models of food production and distribution - I guess it's an interesting one).

Greetings to everyone!

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Hi everybody,

Sorry for posting my mail here but I can't find any other possibility.
Looking for some informations on our website, I couldn’t access to some pages.
For instance, at page, I can’t access to the point 4 and further. It is mentioned: Access denied - You are not authorized to access this page.
Is it because the pages are empty or is it for any other reason?
Can Gualter or some else help me?
PS: concerning the course in Poland, I do loved it and strongly regret not to be able to stay till Saterday. 
Michaël Terzo
Best wishes,