Wann: Freitag, Jan 23, 2015, 10:00 - 12:00

Skype + Trello

I would like to invite you to the Degrowth and Agriculture module sprint planning meeting on January 23rd, 10 AM (over Skype and Trello). By taking part, you have the possibility of joining our module development team!

The subject of the module is an alternative food production and distribution in the context of degrowth theory. The aim of the module is to introduce the following issues from the degrowth perspective: the critique of industrial agriculture, overview of possible alternatives, such as local and organic production, cooperatives, Community Supported Agriculture, and a critical analysis of functioning and results of these alternatives.

On Friday we will try to develop the first scheme of the module. Any input would be very valuable: suggestions for topics, texts, videos and other content.

