Task information

For example, the add task page I'm creating now took:

Page execution time was 20888.51 ms. Memory used at: devel_boot()=2 MB, devel_shutdown()=37.39 MB, PHP peak=39.5 MB.

SQL Query log shows no really slow queries, but there are many hundred queries by drupal_lookup_path:

SELECT alias FROM url_alias WHERE source = :source AND language IN (:language, :language_none) ORDER BY language ASC, pid DESC

Updates and comments

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A second candidate, also on viewing content is the query from advagg_get_files_from_hashes

/* Query called from advagg_get_files_from_hashes() */ SELECT af.filename AS filename, aa.settings AS settings FROM advagg_aggregates_versions aav INNER JOIN (SELECT aa.* FROM advagg_aggregates aa WHERE (aa.aggregate_filenames_hash = :db_condition_placeholder_2) ) aa ON aa.aggregate_filenames_hash=aav.aggregate_filenames_hash INNER JOIN (SELECT af.* FROM advagg_files af WHERE (af.filetype = :db_condition_placeholder_3) ) af ON af.filename_hash=aa.filename_hash WHERE (aav.aggregate_filenames_hash = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND (aav.aggregate_contents_hash = :db_condition_placeholder_1) ORDER BY porder ASC
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False interpretation. There are apparently no really critical slow queries on page load. The bottleneck seems to be somewhere else, since:

Total execution time of SQL queries: 90.46 ms

Page execution time: 1656.51 ms

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@Hannes, do you feel like trying to debug this?

Maybe start by testing on the dev site disabling one module after another, to find which is the culprit.

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hi there, hannes asked me for a hint about that. here it is:

you should really never disable dblog! (maybe swap it out for something faster like filelog)

enabling dblog tells us that etherpad is malconfgured and queries its server forever.

disabling etherpad solves the issue as will fixing its config.

to not mess anything up i enabled etherpad and disabled dblog again, but now you know the cure.


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Wow, great! I did not really disable dblog, I tried to enable it several times, but it was getting disabled automatically - probably due to the unendless query.

etherpad_integration is anyway not working and I applied a temporary solution to the conference by integrating an iframe into the needed content types for the degrowth conference. So I will attempt now disabling it and enabling dblog to see how it works.

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I disabled etherpad, since a proper integration is not really being used and enabled dblog. Although dblog now stays active - which is great and very useful - it still does not change the loading time for adding/editing pages (~20-22 sec).

So the issue unfortunately still remains.

(btw, it was also me above, logged in as ecobytes)

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Ahh, now it works - etherpad was somehow not disabled. I did it now via drush and works like a charm! Thanks a lot merlin, that was true magic ;)
