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The comment function for bibliography is broken. Not sure what happened, because it worked before.

Always comes an:


The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

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Error message in dblog:

EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7925 of /data/all/000/core/drupal-7.28.1/includes/common.inc).

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This is probably related to a field that was removed from the bibliography content type (was a former field for the "commoning" function, that became deprecated). In the afternoon will try to either clean up the affected nodes in the database, or add the field back as a temporary fix.

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The implementation of discussions for biblio is apparently not consistent. If I try to edit and save an existing paper, without changing any settings, I get:

Error message

The referenced entity (node: 1890) is invalid.

And dblog reports:

OgException: OG membership can not be created in entity <em class="placeholder">node</em> and bundle <em class="placeholder">oa_discussion_post</em> using the field <em class="placeholder">og_group_ref</em> as the field does not reference <em class="placeholder">oa_section</em> bundle in <em class="placeholder">node</em> entity type. in OgMembership->save() (line 62 of /data/all/001/openatrium-7.x-2.19-7.28.1/profiles/openatrium/modules/contrib/og/includes/og.membership.inc).

This results because the parent node (for OG membership) is a biblio item, not a section bundle.

Possible solutions:

  1. changing the comment system on biblio entries back to standard Drupal
  2. keep the existing comment system, but add and enforce a new reference field that links the discussion thread to the originating (biblio) node
  3. make the system accept biblio nodes as section bundles

3 is probably the easiest, but also least clean. Can be for a temporary solution though.

Alternative 2 would be the most solid implementation, imho.

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Applied patch from https://www.drupal.org/node/2160175

No success

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Looking at the structure of biblio content types, the oa_section_ref is missing (and can't be added from existing fields), despite being added on admin/config/group/fields

Will try to get this field back and see what happens.

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I removed and added again the OA Section reference (via the group/fields), but still not working, even after I manually assign the content to the section.

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The editing of biblio comments is already working - after adding bibliography to possible entity types of the parent field of discussion.

Remaining is still broken. Furthermore, GAP papers are now out of their working groups, since the section part was reset (will update section field through reimport, in order to fix)

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GAP papers are back in ther respective working groups (sections). Unfortunately, this silly feeds bug now added twice the authors names... I guess no alternative than going and editing one by one...

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Replying to a pure discussion post is also throwing the same error. Will need to compare the forms and output differences in the forms and output of an original discussion (which has a section as parent) and a reply to it (which has the original post as parent)

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Issue was due to a change in the number of allowed values of the og_group_ref field.

This is on the standard OA2 limited to 1. I changed it to unlimited to allow cross-spaces posting, particularly aimed at the commoning functions (to place content on the commons group).

I'm not sure if this OA2 is a design issue or a bug, will post it to the OA2 issues queue and see what is the feedback.

Anyway, everything back to normal.
