Task information
Feature Request

At the moment, e-mail notifications for the site are sent from Degrowth co-munity and have topics such as "[Group name] Gualter created some page".

Following the earlier co-munity version and the attempt to mimic a mailing list behavior (see also adding reply-to feature for email notifications), these should be changed to show the author name (but not e-mail address) and the subject should not include "user created" or "user commented", but just the node title and, on comments, the Re: before. For content updates it can probably stay as is.

If you have other suggestions on improving this user experience, they are very welcome.

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it is not possible to create nodes via mail with open atrium mailhandler by default.

theire is an issue on it with a solution i think: https://www.drupal.org/node/2127317 / https://groups.drupal.org/node/423268

could be interesting? https://www.drupal.org/project/og_mailinglist