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Conference Paper
T. Greenham, Rethinking the Role of the Economy and Financial Markets, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3798.pdf (359.82 KB)
L. Pancewicz, Retooling for degrowth of cities in CEE countries, challenge and potential directions for action., in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3527.pdf (70.92 KB)
O. Tammilehto, Rewarding with a licence to commit ecocide: High incomes and climate change, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3225.pdf (196.36 KB)
H. Diefenbacher und Kiefel, W., Richard Douthwaite's contribution towards a Material De-Growth Society in Ireland, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Kiefel_Richard Douthwaite's contribution towards a Material De-Growth Society in Ireland.pdf (1.98 MB)PDF icon 3652.pdf (2.88 MB)
J. Schicklinski, The right to meaningful work as key component of a new European social contract in the light of the socio-ecological transition, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3162.pdf (314 KB)
C. Richard-Elsner, The Role of Children in a Degrowing Society, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3481.pdf (47.47 KB)
A. Genus, Roles for university researchers in promoting sustainability, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Datei Degrowth2014_Genus_University Roles.pptx (869.96 KB)PDF icon 3287.pdf (28.61 KB)
A. Faerber, Saving Money – Breaking Profit? Ride-Sharing Practices in Inter-City Transport, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3714.pdf (34.55 KB)
B. Dorothea Otto, Saving (on) Water. Living in EcoSan Communities, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3715.pdf (61.07 KB)
G. Barbas Baptista, Scaling up collective action and advancing knowledge on degrowth from the grassroots, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Bapt.pdf (227.61 KB)
M. Le Dû, Scenarios on energy sufficiency and societal transformations: changing lifestyles and social structures to make energy savings, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3435.pdf (87.57 KB)
F. Malig, Schulden und Geldordnung, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.
H. Diefenbacher, The scientific work of Richard Douthwaite, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3650.pdf (255.93 KB)
C. Vosse und Haselbach, D., Self-providing as a motor for Degrowth, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Hase.pdf (221.09 KB)
G. Betz, Serious Pleasure. Motivation in fun-emphasising social movements, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3327.pdf (23.69 KB)
K. Bradley, Sharing is the new owning – subjectivities of the maker culture, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3387.pdf (95.64 KB)
Aworking gr EKU&JdW und EKU&JdW, Aworking gr, Shutting down the climate culprits – How can we phase out polluting industries?, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Atta.pdf (209.55 KB)
J. Timaeus, The significance of everyday life, values and meaning for a more social and ecological society: a life world perspective, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Timaeus_The significance of everyday life, values and meaning for a more social and ecological society: a life world perspective.pdf (3.9 MB)PDF icon 3369.pdf (83.71 KB)
T. Salmela, Sleep and stillness in a mobile economy, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_Salmela_Sleep and stillness in a mobile economy_Poster.pdf (1.27 MB)PDF icon 3318.pdf (350.45 KB)
J. Francois Le Clanche und Mouchet, P. Christian, Small farms and degrowth, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.
S. D'Alessandro, The social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP), in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon Degrowth2014_D'Alessandro_The social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP).pdf (3.57 MB)PDF icon 3606.pdf (55.31 KB)
M. Serlavós, Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a transitional path towards a degrowth society, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.Datei Degrowth2014_Serlavos_Social _ Solidarity Economy_SSE as a transitional path towards a degrowth society.pptx (699.45 KB)PDF icon 3689.pdf (297.55 KB)
M. pansera, The social construction of green and social inclusive technological discourses in the Global South: evidence from India and Bangladesh, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3348.pdf (508.37 KB)
R. Orzi, SOCIAL CURRENCY AS AN INSTITUTION NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SOCIALLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3654.pdf (89.33 KB)
C. Spash und Kerschner, D. Christian, A Social Ecological Economic Perspective on Transformation, in Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Leipzig, 2014.PDF icon 3642.pdf (88.98 KB)