Task information

In order to allow proper collaboration between different groups of people in the development of co-munity, we should define how we want to work. In particular, this need emerges from the convergence of different networks (SoLaWi, Transition Netzwerk, R&D, among others) that plan to use and further develop this project.

First of all, I would like to propose that we follow an agile development process and, whenever possible, have scrum sprints as development cycles. As project management tool for this I propose to use Trello (for structuring backlogs, organising sprints/collaborative planning and limiting work-in-progress). We can of course eat our own dog food also here, and just use this issue tracker - but I personally think it is very little agile (and would like in the future to implement something similar here, like the Kanban module) and I have very good experience working with Trello in hybrid (dev/non-dev) teams.

The project will probably be, in the beginning, a kind of fork/add-on of Open Atrium 2, where modules are added/adapted, a new (or more) theme is developed, new views/widgets are created and blueprints are generated. To keep track of developments and support collaboration, we started a GitHub project some time ago, but didn't really use it yet (apart from a few scripts that we at some point needed). I think it can be a good strategy to get everything related with makefiles, module, features and theme development there (maybe also blueprints, these we have to check if it's possible to include in features or export somehow).

Finally, we should gather together what skills/resources we have available and build up teams (e.g. developers, end users, builders, designers, sysadmins) or at least have a picture of the available expertise within the group.

If you are interested in actively joining the development (including planning, testing for non-techies) of co-munity, please state your interest, skills and availability here.

Updates and comments

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This has moved further and development is being managed through taiga.io, an open-source project for agile (kanban/scrum) project management. This issue tracker will remain for bug reports, issues and support requests, while all development related stays for the time being on taiga.io*.

If anyone wants to join the development team, please contact me directly.

*After April taiga.io projects can be public and we will obviously also make it so for the co-munity project development.
