Task information
Feature Request

The colorbox is a very nice popup for displaying media. However, if there is no preview of media, it just creates an unnecessary and confusing additional window, where the user has to then click the file before being able to open/get it.

For PDF, the PDF module is allowing to have a direct preview of the PDF. However there is a bug in the implementation, which always limits the colorbox size to 300 px. With this resolution, the viewer is not fully visible and downloading the document is nearly impossible for the user.

The colorbox can be removed as the default display for document attachments as explained here. A feature override needs to be created in order to preserve this on upgrades.

Furthermore, the colorbox should ideally be kept for images preview. Media galleries attached to documents will still use colorbox.

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hier klappt es: https://co-munity.net/mehrgenerationengarten/dokumente

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I have attempted to change the default colorbox size to 600px (was 300px), but somehow it is still scaling down to 300px. The CSS for the pdf module is correctly set to the width of 100%. It might be that some caches are still affecting it.

Have no time to look into detail at this now, so if the problem persists, it might be better just to disable pdf altogether (they will still open in the browser, just not on the overlay colorbox), until some time can be brought into properly solving the issue.

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please disable the media colorbox! if you click on odt files you cant see anything and you cant download the file either


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I have updated the issue title and description to more precisely describe the feature request.

Feature Request