
I'm just trying out this co-munity plateform.. is a discussion post what I should create to chat with you guys about a subject ?

If yes, maybe we should discuss the FIWARE Accelerator Programme ? Do you know about it  ? I just started to read a little here http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/fiware-accelerator-programme

There seems to be heaps of money for open source developpement, also for tools for the agricultural sector.

Closure dates are near !

But as I sead, I just learnd that this programme exists and did non read very far ...




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Hi Agnez,

Nice to see you around here and looking forward for another attempt to get a platform development for CSAs funded!

I had a quick look at that program, but did not really find my way out. I have the feeling it is very much business oriented, but I might be wrong. Until Monday I have no time to look further at it (Solawi network meeting and need to hand a draft for a local project funding application), but then I will try to explore it.

Another funding I had in mind - a quite ambitious one - is the EU Funding CAPS (Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation). You can find the current call here, deadline is somewhere in April next year.

This would have little chance as an alone project for CSAs, but could get very powerful if we think it in an articulated way with a social/collaboration platform and tools with other movements - a bit what we're trying to do with co-munity (and by co-munity I mean the concept, not necessarily the Drupal/Open Atrium 2 solution that we are using and adapting at the moment).

CAPS would be a 2-3 year funding, 1-2 million € and require some strong institutional partners, particularly in the IT area. I am very forward looking for the P2P foundation, possibly also Wikimedia Foundation. Others, from a collaborating initiative (Transformap) have suggested to bring Ecolise in the partnership. The consortium has to have 3-6 partners, so we need to think strategically what would be good and if it would make sense at all to establish such a kind of cooperation across fields and institutions for a large project.

This weekend at the Solawi Autumn meeting in German I will try to host a workshop on the open space (still have to find out when it is) and get some "user stories" from the different, regarding what type of tools they need.

@agnez and others, maybe you also have already some systematized collection of needs? @fabian, could we use the funding application somehow? Maybe you could upload it in an internal area here?

I would definitely attempt to provide at least a part of these needs through the current co-munity, but perspectively we need more resources to make these tools really appropriate both for the individual communities, as well as for promting the collaboration between groups and networks.



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Hi Gualter,

yes this Accelerator Programme seems to be for businesses, and it is indeed hard to find out what it really is :/ In any case it has to be a software project working with the FIWARE platform, and to me it is most unclear what that is really !

I think the CAPS funding is defenetely more interesting for us.

But i still do net see clear how you want to yse co-munity. Should we open one discussion/workspace per subjetct? One for the CAPS funding project, one for the collection of needs for a csa-management online plateform ...

or how are things meant to work here ?

have good energy for the solawi meeting. let's talk further when thats behind you..



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Hi you two,

@Agnez: in case you still don't know: we will soon have a special page here in co-munity where we will be able to collect the needs we (the developers and IT-interested ones) think CSAs have. If this list is "finished" (it probably will never be ;) our plan is to ask the members of the german csa-network to rate the different needs/functionality. The ones with the highest rating shall then get further developed.

Btw: we need much more developers – do have some in mind in Belgium/Nederlands who would like to join us? Who built http://www.gasap.be/ for example?

@Gualter: Regarding the funding I think it might make sense to create a subspace. And btw: I'm surprised that you say you don't stick to Open Atrium – I've always had the impression that you're not open for other solutions.



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Hi Michael and everybody,

just let me know where to find the "collect the needs" page is and I shall use it.

Why are the german CSAs going to define what will be developped in the end ?

gasap.be is a group work of 4 people (including me), based on the french cms spip (don't look into it, i don't recomend to build new sites with it). it's not a complex site, the map ist the only real tool here.

But I actually have news about the subsidies I was originally writing about in this thread. I guess I'd better start a new discussions with a clear title.

