Do we want to have a CSA share for next year's season?

Can we make sure someone will cook? (if we have the share, we will have to cook, in order not to loose the money) Or to aks another way: Emre, until when will you continue to cook?

Personnaly I do not want to take the responsability for that. This year it was a bit stressfull until you, Emre, came and started fetching and using it regularly. I'm not so good at motivating people....But if somone will cook, it's great to have the share.

Assembly for giving out  shares (and other organisatory issues of CSA) will be in North Campus of  University on 9th of December 6 p.m.

Though there might be possibilities of still getting a share later.

What do you think?

(I tried to notify other comunity groups as well but it did not work out. Maybe a bit strange to discuss that between the two of us...since Hugo email is not functional / or is it by now?)


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Hello Teresa,

I'll cook regularly except my planned vocations. For now, it seems it'll be only from beginning of the January till the 8th or 9th but not yet clear because of my personal unclarities which will be solved this week.

In total i have two unused holidays:
2 X 2 days = 4 days which means 2 cookings will be missed in January.

And there will be 8 X 2 days more holidays = 8 more cookings will be missed after January, till the end of July 2016.

So may be you or Hugo or some other people may cook if there's desire for it. But if not i think it'll not hurt. Personally i think it's better to be member again.

To be honest, I am excited about CSA collectives. I met several people, including dangerously public enemy anarchist ones in the SOLAWI Network meeting :)

But again, the reality comes; the meeting will be in German i guess, and my understanding of  a few percent of hundred does not help. So what to do? If i join the meeting i'll get bored after little time. Do you want to join?

Or is there a real need to join the meeting? If you think there'll be a lot of people it's also not good tactically for me. Or should we just say that we want to continue with same agreement if possible?

Hugo's e-mail problem will be solved tomorrow. His e-mail provider got crazy basically. He'll have a better one. So it may make sense to write here still so he can catch up later.

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Oh, I just called a house plenary for 9th of December. If we want to have a share we can ask Gualter to bid for us, he said he's ready to do it, and he's going to that assemblxy anyways.We just have to tell him up to which price he can bid. Normal price was around 70€ last year. I'm a bit uncomfortable having a cheaper price, exeptif it's a deliberate decision of CSA collective to support TT by giving cheaper price.

What do you think?

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Hey Teresa,

I'm sorry, it was and still is a long night i'm working on the project application for the Film Atelier... I guess i can answer your question tomorrow evening...

I also changed the e-mail adress of the Hugo, so he'll be getting the notificaitons about that topic, as well as other ones ;)

Guten morgen :)