Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Next call: Wednesday, May 6, 17.45-18.35


a) further comments/issues after the SG comments to the application

Discussion about the working group
- Group in the set-up process: first meeting now, mainly with the core group
- 15 committed in scientific committee
- on programme team only Nina so far > more members needed (first ask core group, then scientific commitee)
- 10 in logistics team (in Budapest)
- 8 persons in PR team (5 from Budapest)
- 6 persons on funding team (5 Hungarians plus one from hbs team)
- reserve of 15 people (not integrated yet because not known to team)
- persons will be linked to Corvinus University (starting to work in September)
- Vincent: in May not that mucht time, from June 15 to Sept 16 full-time
- Lidija now 2h/day, from Sept. 50% of working time
- Mladen (Zagreb) from July on more
- Vincent has a lot of experience in organization in Hungary: more informal, shorter meeting, more last-minute than Germans; they know how to do nice events

b) suggestions for issues to address in Budapest

  • keep in mind the different views on what worked well in Leipzig (old fashioned coordination vs use of IT tools)
  • Nina will send document showing the IT solutions that Leipzig used, but Gualter points out that you should make a needs analysis first 

c) possible options for future meetings

Summer schools?
- are Barcelona and Rheinland summer schools places to recruit members for organizing team?
- if there are enough content people in the Barcelona or Rheinland summer schools, we can try to attend and talk to people
- programme Barcelona: http://summerschool.degrowth.net/index.php/program
- 'old suspects' can be found in the summer schools (more in Barcelona) for young people we can also find them in the summer schools (more Germany)- what exactly we need we can cover in Budapest
- obviously also place to meet Filka, Gualter, Daniel, Barbara, Nina....

next meeting
- check what could fit for the September or October meeting - maybe some sort of doodle after the Budapest meeting
- after the summer, hopefully when Filka comes back from Bulgaria
- Lidija is in Croatia in September (we could also meet there)
- Nina more likely in France in September....

d) open questions and any other business

  • take into consideration the calendar for scientific call, also keeping in mind the timing of the next meeting
  • regular calls: beginning of the month - Lidija to organise 
  • there is another sort of doodle: https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/?lang=en
  • there is a process, called the great transformation, in Germany, by less 'radical' groups than degrowth; they use social-ecologic transformation to make content clearer
  • if wanted, people from the degrowth processes can feed in current content-based discussions to Budapest group (but there are too may topics now and there is a need for limiting them)

die rezepte hatte Jule aus der Schöpfkelle, wir haben dort mal eine Aufstrichaktion gemacht

Wir könnten auch versuchen, in die Aufstrichaktion die Schöpfkelle mehr mit einzubeziehen ;)

der Möhrenaufstrich war sehr zu empfehlen, mit den Stabmixern wurden wir nicht ganz glücklich ..weil sie schnell überhitzt sind... wahrscheinlich ist es am bessten , die Sonnenblumenkerne vorab zu vermahlen (-> Leon?)

Jule macht tolle Aufstriche!

Rote Beete

http://kuechenchaotin.de/rote-bete-sonnenblumenkern-aufstrich/ (Ofenvariation für Rote Beete) - ansonsten kochen http://www.entrup119.de/gaertnerhof/rezepte/_rote-bete-brotaufstrich_.php

- Sonnenblumenkerne über Nacht einweichen (bzw. mind. 1 Stunde lang)
Und weil ich gar nicht SO viele Rote Beeten da habe - noch was mit Möhren:
Gibt es Öl und Gewürze in ausreichender Menge oder sollen wir noch was mitbringen?
Liebe Grüße

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen