Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


The attached book chapter on Degrowth and Planetary Boundaries has a summary of core degrowth concepts on pages 2-5.


Day 2

September 4th

Abbreviation: CC: climate change

briefly present, and get suggestions from other groups

discuss whether the pre-clustering is aggreable to everyone – form working groups from the clustering to discuss more in depth

present group results – need not finish today, organise process

nonverbal communication signs were introduced

taken from sign language

X of lower arms for not agreeing

if you have feeling that we are running aronud in circles – circle of hands

agreement: wave / shake risen hands next to your head


  1. social questions (how does society have to change)

    what would be a social energy sector

    when available energy diminishes, what to do

    how to foster global impacts through unemployment that results from shutting down coal industries

  2. carbon budget / life cycle (production)


  3. taking action

    direct action (social movements)

  4. coal phase out

    how to phase out coal from the energy sector

  5. local energy

    community-based, sharing economy, building providers

  6. movement

    how do we build, European, global

    connect climate change and degrowth movement

    2015 – next UN conference on CC

  7. process issues

    how to organise

    energy sector

  8. policy change

    how to change societal factors

    carbon / emission trade

  9. technical issues

  10. debate in society

    how to foster

    aligned with social questions, how to connect / get the topics in discussion on societal basis (national, European, international level) together

  11. degrowth paradigm

    core of this workshop

    strategies on transformation of energy sector on all levels, and CC

  12. commons and energy

    energy is abundant, away from scarce energy

Poster of Die Linke party, industrial society and energy transition, not fossil energy, solar energy (decentralised solar) independent of grids

not plea for coal mines

not all has to be discussed – prioritise now, and conglomerate

group formation process

3 groups of 4, or 4 of 3?

global North and South is missing

do we transfer our energy waste – energy intensive, polluting industries might go to the South

Question of energy transition form a North-South perspective

4 groups, titles:

  1. N-S debate from viewpoint of energy transition

    add social chasms in N and S, energy access


  1. local energy (self-organised, autonomously – requirement / prerequisite for degrowth, coops), check possible / feasible options and goals

    is it possible everywhere – it is not in Switzerland – it's a policy issue

    group organisation

    policy question: on local scale

    policy and community

    recommendation – needed to form

    decentral self-organised energy provision


2 will not be a group, but will assemble some recommendations instead

political requests

flight tickets should signal to consumers

  1. debate in society – connect with social movements

    carbon budget included in debate in society

4 people for group 3...

topic to be determined – suggestion: policy change

strategic question: need to present something tomorrow, needs to mature

should we try to do something that is coherent in itself

recommendations – should they be separate, or coherent

maybe 10-20 points for all

or 4 points for each sub-topic

define 4 topics – more detailed solutions

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

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Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen