Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Gap on Consumption – September 3, 2014, Degrowth Conference, S313

Attendence: 19 People
(clockwise: Felix, Martin, Lukas, Corinna, Dieter, Christine, Katja, Kathrin, Karl-Heinz, Hima, Hannah, Christopher, Melani, Alex, Tabea, Ben, Christiane, Anne, Dietmar)

Time Schedule:

17:30-17:45 introduction

17:45-17:55 organisational stuff

17:55-18:20 Mind Map

18:20-18:25 Results from Barcelona

18:25-18:30 Results from online discussion

18:30-19:00 stirring Paper I


How do you feel?, Name:, Origin:, recent item bought:

organizational stuff:

time keeping: Alexandra

Presenters: Melani (and Alexandra)

Protocol: Lukas

Vibe keeper: Katja

Paper creative sum-up: Kathrin(?)

  • Please insert the picture

Mind Map:

  1. Silent Discussion on a big paper

  2. One Proposal per Person on Matrix of Implementation time/ Relevance on environment:

  • Please insert the picture

Results from Barcelona:

(distributed on paberbase)


…: Basic income is a little bit off topic, as it a very long term

…: Basic income so important

…: Consumption is so brought, so lets get an agenda. So its a risk to fall apart.

…: Lets read it again and do the task again tomorrow.

Karl: It is important. [...]

Anne: Let us do that again.

Results from online-discussion:

Define Consumption:

  • social practice exercised in order to provide the desired way of living

  • spend money

  • final purchase

Paper I: Empowering the Willing – Practicing the Transformation


  • Lots of people want to consume differently

  • apparently all society-statistics show that these people fail doing so


  • consumption is a complex issue with multiple approaches to do so, many are not in the same track!

  • people are consuming based on habits which are very heavy to change, what makes it easy to change our habits?

  • we consume mostly in our social setting, which is not normally changing at the same time redeems efforts. That is why people who want to change need to build consumer communities!


Don´t buy for a year new things-campaign/challenge! No furniture, no cloth, no electronics gathered in a movement connected via facebook (a year without stuff)

Discussion on the paper: ( / = new person speaking)

  • Economic constraints: (Systemic evidences), such linked working till 8 o´clock and next being tired, so changing for new consumptions is interesting / maybe more on obstacles than on economic constrains

  • You focus on obstacles, I would like to focus more on solutions!

  • Is it about consuming less? Not necessarily. But buy getting engaged in different strategies for a year you get in touch

  • What is your target group? Industrial country people? We focused on it, but it is not necessarily

  • What you mean by incentive for consuming less?

  • Karl: It is not promising to ask people to renounce on such a project. I rely on there feelings. Better lay back and ask: What do I really need? / It is not pleasant, but seems to be a catchy campaign and people like challenges.

  • Corina: Do you try to scale up your project? / That is why we are here! We have no clue how many do it. Fb-page has 2000 likes. Ben and Christiane are doing it since January.

  • Lukas: I liked your focus on obstacles. I researched on companies efforts to overcome information gaps. I state that, we need to think of systems to engage more on product enhancements individually.


Session: introduction and brainstorming

Minutes taken by Isabella Radhuber and Ines Thomssen


Stirring paper (Uli Brand, full paper here: https://degrowth.co-munity.net/conference2014/gap/resources-and-extraction/resources-extraction)


Main points:

-  Definition of Extractivism as a development model not only a model of economic accumulation (including social and political structure, education, etc.)

-  Hegemonic character of resource extraction – not a political struggle between elites as only benefactors and surpressed masses, but a model that is accepted by a broad part of society and linked to expectations of the people

- Avoiding antagonist perspectives (between state, capital VS indigenous, local people)

Global constellations make extractive model seem attractive:

  • High oil prices
  • Growth in China
  • High global demand  for natural resources

National/ local constellations

  • Different contexts, e.g. progressivism
  • Rural/urban divides


  • Need for a re-politization to put ideas back to debate : the concept of growth is “naturalized” (it seems natural to people – by re-politicizing, these concepts become contested - at the global level e.g. post-extractivism and degrowth)
  • Alternatives should go beyond progressive production models
  • What could be alternatives at the international level? - Introduce the complexity without being “stupefied” because we think that the actor constellation is not good (Adorno)


(Extending) results from Barcelona 2010 on the topic resources and extraction
(for more details see https://degrowth.co-munity.net/conference2014/gap/resources-and-extraction/results-barcelona-2010-topic-resources-and-extraction)

-          Proposal of a moratorium for resource extraction where biodiversity and ethnographic value is high

-          Internalization and transparency of mining real (and long term) costs (there is little critical info on mining)

-          Empowerment of local communities in voicing their needs/concerns on extractive activities affecting them

-          Demand more accountability from transnational corporations (by creating funds and/or stronger networks for pooling of research)

-          Need for one concept of social, political and ecological justice (instead of three separated ones) – proposal aimed at Degrowth conference 2014

-          Elimination of mega-extractive companies

-          Where is the Red Line? (Know what we REALLY do not want / infrastructure projects that need to be abandoned eg. Nuclear Power)

In this conference it has been stressed (Muraca): politics, economics AND values & beliefs (also for resource use and extraction)


Many questions arise on re-politization; the socio-ecological dimension; (interrelated) scales; rural/urban divides; if nationalizing companies is a way out; what kind of infrastructure we want; and many more


-   Coffee house / brainstorming in small groups: first proposals of action

  •  when discussing proposals of action: define which scale(s) we are talking about


Results to be discussed on Day 2






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