Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


This course focuses on linking, at a theoretical, political and practical level, degrowth principles with solidarity economy and assess the ways on how solidarity economy can help a country in coerced austerity to overcome the crisis. The main idea is to target people from different social backgrounds (e.g., unemployed, people from marginalised areas, low income) and with different competencies (researchers, managers, trainers, practitioners) which can contribute with differing perspectives in the development and application of innovative teaching methodologies for transforming local solidarity economy initiatives into viable solutions to overcome the crisis.

1-6 October 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
Language: English · Organised by: Antigone


This is the virtual assembly place for the Group Assembly Process on degrowth. Here you can get an overview of the working groups and their recent activity. Everyone is invited to read through and take part in the discussions and collaborate on any working group.

In case you want to take active part in any working group, make sure to apply for membership either for larger GAP community or for the specific working group. If you have something to share with all groups, or general remarks on the GAP process, please use the assembly forum.


Working group formed for the International Conference on Degrowth 2014.

What is the relation between cities and rural areas in a degrowth society?

What are the potentials of urban agriculture to supply cities with food?

What are possible conflicts of goals between different degrowth infrastructures in cities?


Working group formed for the International Conference on Degrowth 2014.

What are sustainable and just forms of mobility – also in a global perspective?

What does an ecological sustainable and socially just mobility infrastructure look like?

How much mobility do we want? Which forms of transport and mobility must be reduced and how?


Working group formed for the International Conference on Degrowth 2014.

Which technologies do we need for the transformation to and in a degrowth society?

What is the relation between high-tech and low-tech?

How can societal and democratic control of technological innovation be organized?

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen