Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Non-profit, community-supported and -oriented IT collective with hosting and services for activists, researchers, artists, individuals and the solidarity economy.

GROWL is a pan-European project designed to form a network of trainers for degrowth. Academics, practitioners at the grass-roots level, researchers and political activists, among others, form a part of this network that aims at a plural and diverse skill and knowledge exchange, to support a major transition towards degrowth and a sustainable and fulfilling society.

GROWL's concrete objective is to provide tools for positive change in individual lives and overall society, in response/as an alternative to the multi-dimensional crises (economic, social, ecological, human) that currently confront Europe. Current focus include the commons-based peer production of learning materials and the piloting of international courses with distinct thematic highlights.

Note: Applications to currently planned international courses are currently closed. Late registrations might be possible about 1 month before the course start. Other training opportunities will also be made available soon.

GROWL participants at the Leipzig course


Course information, syllabus, documentation and materials distributed to participants, as well as collection of minutes and feedback for each GROWL course are available in this area.


The seminar on local economic alternatives aims at connecting both the theory and practice of developing locally based, environmentally and socially beneficial, and democratic economic models. It will provide theoretical background and introduction to the concept of economic localisation (or so called eco-localisation) which will be discussed specifically in the context of degrowth thinking.

Based on the understanding of various aspects and dimensions of localisation, the seminar will introduce examples of concrete initiatives both from the Czech Republic and from other European countries, mainly in the areas of food and energy production, and of monetary alternatives. Finally it will enable the participants to share their own experiences with alternative economic models, and think analytically about them in the context of the localisation and degrowth agenda. The teaching will be based on the interactive learning methods of RWTC (Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking). Selected reading materials and handouts will be provided for the participants during the seminar.

18 – 22 June 2014, Valeč village, West Bohemia (2 hours from Prague), see on a map.
Language: English · Organised by: Economy and Society Trust


Grenzen des Wachstums: Perspektiven für die Landwirtschaft

FB11 - Bachelor Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften

30 Stunden, 1 ECTS

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen