
Background materials used in the course, including readers and other supporting documents, presentations, etc.

Social dimension Activity sheets 4th day

Social dimension Activity sheets 3th day

-Degrowth and social life in rural area

Social dimension Activity sheets 2d day

-What is degrowth

-Degrowth and social life in rural area

-Café Philo

Social dimension Activity sheets of the first day

- Introduction

-Kick off talk

-Dance and emotion

Structure of materials

Namur, Vevy-Weron, Wednesday 12 Nov - 11h30

Do we need to focus on the local or rather on the global level? Shall we better work from inside the system or shall we develop disobedience and oppositions to existing institutions? Is the key problem a cultural one or a physical one? Is it speed or is it money that needs to be limited? Shall we go into practice or into research? Or is it rather activism that is needed?

These are some of the key challenges faced by degrowth. Two approaches are possible there. Either one person believes that s-he detains the "right way of acting" and…


Social dimension of agroecology

Here is the text and the exercices concerning the social dimension

of agroecology presented in the belgian course in november 2014

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TTT Exercice 1: réseau IDée by Dominique and Michaël

Dear Growl Friends,

Here is two PPT slides. The first is a summary of the TTT exercice we've made on Saturday Novembre 15 in the morning. The second is the presentation of the Réseau IDée.


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Nos Pilifs farm and agroecology

On Novembre 14 2014, we visited the farm Nos Pilifs. The day was so rich that we didn't had time to make a full synthesis of what we have seen. Here is the my powerpoint that I couldn't show you at that time about the activities of the farm that could be related to the agroecology.


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Definition of Agroecology

On Novembre 13 2014, the day starts with a presentation by François and I of what is the social dimension of agroecology. I began with some slides to give the definitions of agroecology. Please, find these slides as attached file.
