Collected notes

TTT – Train the Trainer notes

TTT – Train the Trainer



Examples to what could be done to train people in degrowth?

“Teach” people that are not so open to the subject/not so open to participatory methods in general without imposing “degrowth ideals” and rather make people think about the various dimensions of degrowth, how to envision a different world (open perspectives on different ways of organizing society)




List of references


Abraham Maslow (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review 50, pp. 370-396.

André Gorz (1999). Reclaiming Work: Beyond the Wage-Based Society.

Arturo Escobar (2011). Encountering development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World.

Barbara Starfield: various work on the importance of primary health care in preventing diseases at:

bell hooks (2009). Teaching…


degrowth health public policies

Degrowth public policies

Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal

11/07: Degrowth Health Care System, Vitor Ramos


Health systems

Starting point was the history of implementing health systems in Germany and Austria in the times of Bismarck: Goal was to keep the workers healthy enough to be able to work in industries.

Analysis of prototypes of 4 health systems, that may be mixed in reality:

1. e.g. USA

Patients pay doctors directly, remedies are private and people take care of themselfes. For poor people, the state provides some…


Notes by Wojtek

GROWL @ Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal - notes by Wojtek

Tuesday 7/07
- action research by Veronica Conte in local community (Ruinha street) encouraging repainting walls with decoration and adding personal notes for passers-by to read
- research question: “which human needs can you satisfy with these kind of projects?”
- asked participants to bring objects that are important to them, then noted the stories of the objects and confirmed the notes with participants for greater accuracy
- side project - asking people…


The commons transition

Presentation by Stacco Troncoso, P2P Foundation

We know what the old story is: capitalism, neoliberalism, etc.

There should be a new story, but we don't know exactly what it is or what name it has.

Within the mainstream, be it the Vatican or the Amazon bookstores, there is

Value being created by civil society: e.g. of the unplanned occupation of the squares 15-M

The P2P/Commons Movement

2 billion people sustain themselves from commons

Types of commons

  • Natural resources
  • Culture
  • Digital commons…

Degrowth introduction

Presentation by Noemi Candiago

Roots in the Frankfurt school

Georgescu Roegen

Guy Debord

Ivan Illich

André Gorz

Serge Latouche

Cornelius Castoriadis

There is always an imaginary within every society. You can have an heteronomous society when there is an external referent to it (e.g. religion, economic law). The opposite of it, autonomous, is when this imaginary comes from within.

Who's in charge of taking a decision which has an impact on peoples' lives? An autonomous society is a democratic and self-…
