
Background materials used in the course, including readers and other supporting documents, presentations, etc.

Updated Documentary including book chapter

You'll find an updated documentary of the Leipzig course on "Mental Infrastructures and Degrowth Transformation" (including the book chapter giving an extensive introduction into the topic) here

Degrowth – a practical society?

Results of the plenary discussion in Leipzig

How can practical skills help to foster a degrowth society?
  • it can foster autonomy and local production

  • improves resilience

  • subsistence helps with reducing paid working hours

  • it is a form of doing (other than “just talking”) that can be more effective, or at least feel more effective…


The purpose of this peaceful place relaxation script is to relax your mind and guide you to imagine your own peaceful, safe place. This place will be an imaginary area that you can visualize to help calm and relax your mind when you are feeling stressed.

Begin by setting aside a few minutes so that you can relax without having anything else you need to focus on. Find a comfortable position.

For the next few moments, focus on calming your mind by focusing on your breathing. Allow you breathing to center and…


Map of change

QUESTION for Reflection:

How can mental infrastructures of a degrowth society be paved? What are mechanisms of change? Why do you have to run along, and when do you manage to get out?

Please consider the following questions from an individual perspective!

  1. Where did you change your behavior compatible with a degrowth society? And why?

  2. Which mental structures might help us to change towards degrowth mental infrastructures? What behaviors should be encouraged in order to…


Plan analysis

The vertical plan analysis is a diagnostical tool that is used in psychotherapy to assess the needs of clients in relationships. Plans are seen as an expression of different motivational schemes.

Note: This is a modified and extremely brief version, it differs from the original idea!

Think of a situation in which you had the feeling of being in shortage of time. The I-must-have-list might give you ideas for such situations. Note: It is important that you think of a specific…


Reflective Walk

Questions to reflect upon while walking

  • (How and where) do you experience acceleration in your own life? What kind of feelings go along with that process? Have you ever decelerated in order to better accelerate afterwards?

  • Are we object or subject of this process?

  • How do you think this phenomenon is related to growth?

  • Where you feel the need to develop yourself?

  • (Where) do you experience the feeling of not being allowed to…


Gallery Walk - Time quotes

Pick a font you like and reprint quotes on nice, colored paper (suggested font size: 18 pp).

There are calendars and clocks to measure it, but it won’t say much, because everyone knows that one may experience a single hour like an eternity, but sometimes it passes like a moment – depending on what you experienced in this hour. Because time is life. And life’s home is in the heart.

– Michael Ende

Until this day, more and more people had less and…


Gallery of Self-Improvement