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Exercise: consistency/sufficiency/efficiency- TTT Pilot Berlin




We get definitions of 3 concepts consistency, sufficiency, efficiency and different examples that we, divided in groups, should relate examples with the concepts, group them. Then one person of each group stays with the results of the group and the rest goes to other groups to discuss their results. The extra thing is to discuss the concepts questioning ourselves which strategy is best for putting degrowth into practice.

  • Nina sais that the way you classify can depend on your knowledge.


We can…

Categories: GROWL Methods
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Adult Education Exercise - TTTPilot Berlin


We need to adress the political issues from the degrowth point of view. There is the crises going on, and it has different shape in each place, we need the discussion on this.

The experience together – the circles of experience


Observers part of the exercise



−        Self representation

−        Role of trainer (who is she?)

−        Women context in Austria

−        Politicizing groups

−        Relation to degrowth

−        Relation to own’s experience

−       …

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Case Study: Performances on the future of food- TTT Pilot Berlin


Martin – Series of performances on the future of food - Vienna


Performances: bike-tour, party, theater, expert input, included in the cultural festival


Methodological aspects:
advertisement worked well, because it was included in the cultural festival, information was included in the official media campaign, mentioned in official press releases; there was media interest in advance; but still the majority of the people attending was from the scene, a few “new” people where reached; everything was in German, might have reduced the…

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Hands On Exercise and World Cafe TTT Pilot Berlin


Afternoon session Saturday 22.2.




Afternoon session Saturday 22.2.

Reflections on Modules: Urban Gardening, Degrowth core modules, TTT Module

note: Eva took notes at the same time



First 3 Posters with the 3 topics where made, people could…

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Exercise on transmission ( TTT Pilot Berlin)


Often when we train, we are not looking at how we are are training but only on what we train.

We want to make an experience together (instead using one or more methodologies).



Gain the ability to do the exercise ourselves. Discuss if the tool works, if it has to be adapted,. Coming from TTT to degrowth-TTT: How are we working when we are training in the context of degrowth.

Observe what we do when we train the trainers. How people are discussing. How they are speaking, talking to each other.…

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Virtual community


We have are setting up a virtual community for GROWL on the platform. All modules, courses and materials will be made available here, free for use and adaptation by anyone.

With the aim of developing and continuously improving an open knowledge resource base, we encourage all trainers and future trainers to actively use and contribute to this space with their questions, experiences, materials and opinions.


#Using the co-munity platform#Accessing resources#Feedback, contributing to the development of the network#Quality…more…
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Here you can upload you digital course material

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Here you can upload your presentations

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Courses are training opportunities in the GROWL network. They are typically formed as a combination of the core modules (degrowth theory and train-the-trainer) with a thematic module. The choice of modules for a course can be guided by the philosophy and political aspects of the GROWL trainings, that you find on other sections of this booklet. You can decide to use one of the existing modules and methodologies, or develop something new for your course (in which case you are kindly invited to contribute back to the network!).

# scheme of course structure: thematic module as cargo,…

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ModulesModules are pieces of content that form the building blocks of courses. In its ideal form, the module aggregates information that can, for example, be directly printed as a booklet on the topic. As part of the module can be collections of contributed texts, images, resources such as presentations, references for additional reading, etc. Although modules have a coordinating organisation and/or person, they are always open for feedback and improvement by any person in the network. The following…
