Collected notes

Notes - Bruxelles - Wojtek

GROWL @ BELGIUM 11.2014 - notes by Wojtek Mejor


- How do electromagnetic waves affect people? How are they measured? How to sense this?
- report about electromagnetic radiation effects: ‚Bioinitiative Report’ 2012
[ttt] - don’t force things just because they were planned; if they were already conveyed in an informal way you might consider skipping a presentation or shortening
- continuation of GROWL - establish ‚hubs’ that are a network of places-nodes in the degrowth network
- bioeconomy - ‚accounting’ rooted in physical flows

What actions do we…


Strategies for degrowth movement

Strategies to transform towards a sustainable planet

  1. Opposition: Campaigns against land grabs campaigns against subsidies towards coal and nuclear power plants, campaigns against global trade agreements. Campaigns can also bring awareness in people that there is something wrong in the current existing system, like: planned obselence (eg: mobiles). It also provokes thought's on the common people about the threat to human civilizations.                                                                           
  2. Alternatives:  Establish sustainable practices like: urban/…

What is degrowth ?

the presentation of the workshop is here:

Several working groups discussed different approaches: scales, strategies, limits to growth, actors, & sources. A rapporteur was assigned

Results from each working group are uploaded here