Presentation by Noemi Candiago

Roots in the Frankfurt school

Georgescu Roegen

Guy Debord

Ivan Illich

André Gorz

Serge Latouche

Cornelius Castoriadis

There is always an imaginary within every society. You can have an heteronomous society when there is an external referent to it (e.g. religion, economic law). The opposite of it, autonomous, is when this imaginary comes from within.

Who's in charge of taking a decision which has an impact on peoples' lives? An autonomous society is a democratic and self-organizing society.

The question of justice, for example, is permanently open in an autonomous society: anything that emerges can evolve.

Society takes responsibility of its own action - when you understand you can create your own laws, you create a respect that society can create its own laws. Castoriadis came out with the concept of "magma". This magma is from which all institution emerge, but which cannot be representative.


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