Hier ist ein Auflistung von Plattforme die für die Ressourcenpool geeignet sein können


Marketplace for sharing resources (paid/unpaid), follows very closely AirBnB model


GitHub: https://github.com/sharetribe/sharetribe

Test instance: https://ressourcenpool.sharetribe.com/


Collaboration oriented, putting ideas and resources together.


GitHub: https://github.com/Hylozoic

Test instance: https://www.hylo.com/project/169/ressourcenpool


A few Drupal modules offer functionality that can be useful to build up a "marketplace" for exchange.

One of them is Offers and Wants from matslats.

Open Atrium (co-munity)

This would probably be the least demanding option to use, as the platform (also Drupal based) is already there and could build up synergy effects in the development of the platform (which is e.g. used by Transition Town Witzenhausen project groups). It is unclear to what extent the existing functions are adequate to what we expect the Ressourcenpool to make.

Possible developments include:

  • Adding the offers and wants module or things about a specific content type/workflow for this (if the current content types are not enough)
  • Developing a blueprint for a "Resource pool / Marketplace"
  • Improving the general design and UX


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