Transmit information on conferences (to other academics) or in lectures (to students), explain traditions, where it comes from, also what is new, e.g climate change, crisis etc., always the same questions and concerns, put it already in the presentation, so do not have to wait for the questions and respond to it, present not as something fix, but: we know what is going wrong, we are open for discussions, lets discuss about it

Entry point: relate it to the specific context, e.g economic crisis,

link to older generation: practices that were more sustainable

For students: give them a video and discuss about it, e.g film from ICTA (life after growth, 20 minutes), give examples and discuss about it (e.g. the "Ferrari example"), use a sience fiction novel (Ursula Leguin: the dispossessed, from the 60s), Hans Rosling: the magic washing machine, brings in the energy aspect, Coline Serreau (Solution locale..), journalistic film, and a fairy tale (the beautiful green), story about people from outer space coming to the earth, talk about growth itself, video-lecture on exponetial growth, the light bulb conspiracy (products designed to be obsolete), bring examples from the local environment,


You ususally present to people who are interested, favourable towards the topic, when you are talking to academics. Try to get some critical audience as well, to train your argumentation.

Deconstruction of development thinking, the idea of degrowth is too much for students, it is too difficult to deconstruct ones own life, so take rather some specific points, instead of the "whole"

eye-cachers: graphs, jevons paradox, poisones cake with green topping

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