• climate

  • lack of scientific understanding

  • monotheistic morality (dominance)

  • difficult tot change ways of productions

  • economic hegemony

  • social status (eat meet)

  • care profit not land

  • conflicts about land (agriculture, cities, etc)

  • fuels – huge transportation – lost the link to production

  • dissatisfaction of status quo (destroying bases of our life


  • change in food system W Europe & N America - transportation of food – technological changes – logistics – supermarkets – all about profit

  • hunger (big influence) – is technology helping to fight hunger? - lots of technology & lots of hunger maybe because of finance?

  • Narrative of fear of feminine that creates a world with technology and hunger (paradox)

  • Availability of resources (goes with climate)

  • demography – cities and production

  • economy

  • eating habits


  • conspicuous consumption (people want to have at least or more than their neighbor have for example chocolate or coffee, jealousy)

  • advertisement (TV, movies, wants vs needs)

  • maximization of profits

  • agriculture is not a way to feed people but also part of finance

  • culture if food

  • legal and cultural varies


  • capitalistic system

  • economic growth

  • industrialization

  • mass agriculture

  • planet – climate change (it affects food production)

  • new and old technology (opportunities and threats)

  • globalization (multinational companies)

  • immigration (due to hunger)

  • public polices (global and national)

  • localization of production vs delocalization

  • recognition of farmers work (cities and studying used to be more appealing but now due to crisis young people in south return to the countryside)

  • concept of fast foods

  • biofuels while world hunger


  • population growth

  • industrialization and technology

  • the WW2 and how the agriculture was rebuilt in Europe after that due to different political regimes and cultures

  • also during communist regimes


  • capitalism and profits

  • culture and now fast food

  • political change (monarchy collapsed)

  • immigration

  • policies about agriculture

  • characteristic of human beings (conflict about that: can it change? Is it only in west? Is about capitalism? Is it global?)


timeline – specific moments that changed the production and distribution of agriculture

"Native America before European Colonization" (

modern times

Haber-Bosch process - 1918;

the explosive industries of ww2 started to produce agricultural nutritions stuff

fossils fules in agriculture

gmos or alternative ways of production?

Jean Pain: (1950's) compost and production of energy through methane produced of compost. Simple farm model why not spread it? Also MUST SEE: The Power of Compost:

Masanobu Fukuoka: new ways of farming that can be incorporated in agriculture alternatives

Bill Millison: permaculture – not only food but also our space

CSA Bogoria Park - Presentation and CSA - Startup manual: