We need to adress the political issues from the degrowth point of view. There is the crises going on, and it has different shape in each place, we need the discussion on this.

The experience together – the circles of experience


Observers part of the exercise



−        Self representation

−        Role of trainer (who is she?)

−        Women context in Austria

−        Politicizing groups

−        Relation to degrowth

−        Relation to own’s experience

−        Difficulty: little time, little money

−        Building trust

−        Necessity of the trainer

−        Continuing questioning of the role of the trainer

−        Methodology that the women are using (theater)


What do we feel about the topics: are there many, little, too many, too little?

As a trainer, can I manage all the topics?

Do we need to narrow down the possible topics? By some special questions?


Group dynamics:

−        Same male answering the questions

−        Lack of facilitation (someone to equally distribute the right to speak) – the facilitation helps people who are not used to discussions. BIG DISCUSSION about the facilitatio

−        1. describing

2. questioning

3. summarizing

−        2 people had a lot of time speaking, 3 people less, and the rest much less

−         After the intervention of Sussane more people spoke

−        Two people were questioning

−        No interruptions

−        There are different solutions to the problems that were raised – maybe the group can come up with them


Non verbal communication

−        People were very attentive

−        During the discussion people took the relaxed position

−        Some people that were speaking were going more into the circle

−        Were people were talking too long people loose the attention to what you speak about

−        People ere seeking the next speaker with their eyes.

−        People were looking and Karin where they were saying things. Maybe it was her position on the chair. You can not completely avoid the central figure but you can try to make it less central.


Visual materials, may attract the attention or may distract. It takes long and needs time to darken the room and then udnarken and it is the distraction.


Comments on the method:

−        To mix the method with other more active methods.

−        To have the discussion with observers is a good method to train the trainers but this can not be the method for degrowth TTT

−        Which facilitations should or should not be used – ecological issues.

−        The exercise should ne inverted. The observers should be observed later.