Dear organisers of the Polish course,

First of all, I have created a "team" within the co-munity space for this course, to allow us to communicate. This forum is public, but only you receive notification e-mails*

Second point (and main reason why I'm writing) is to deal with the evaluation. We have in all previous courses given the participants an evaluation form, where they can say how good or bad each part of the program was (see attachment online).

What I need from you for now is:

  1. a detailed list of program blocks/items (e.g. each session, each workshop, each presentation), like you find in the example form I attached;
  2. any other aspects you would like the participants to evaluate or comment on when filling this form



* To write to the organisers you can simply select the organisers team in the notifications tab when posting content. If there is need for a private discussion or document space, it can also be setup.

File evaluation_form_gr.odt337.63 KB
PDF icon evaluation_form_gr.pdf166.26 KB