A short exercise and presentation
Short exercise: Please write down what is GROWL
3 groups:
    first comers
    old schoolers and partners
    people who attended 1 or 2 courses
    (online viewers?)
team 1
growl is a platform for expchange of ideas and debate of degrwoth
program of progamme learning about degrowth
invite peopel learn
network promote degrwoth
place to exchange in local and alternative expirements
a forum to create new concepts and varies to teh environmental crisis
international network of ngo to promote degrwoth
online paltofrom to promote degrwoth
projects of seminars to train trainers on degrowth and to share experience between actors in degrwoth that is finnced by eu as an educational program
grow less learn more
movement of  deschooling
collective design of stories
initiative of friends ttaht are involve to degrowth
grwol is an opportunity for young people to know what really happens in degrowth
is a platfrom of exchange of ideas of degrwoth