E-mail migration :: important changes on addresses and username

We have recently migrated all the mailboxes @ecobytes.net, as well as other domains from older members, into our new mail server (used in production since approximately 1 year).

In this process, all usernames have changed from




Be sure to update your bookmark to the webmail, which you can now find at:


There we present a new webmail application (Roundcube), with a more modern look and better performance.

If you use an e-mail client, make sure to update its settings with the new username (for SMTP and IMAP accounts) and change the domain name from




The SMTP now works from Port 587 and requires the option STARTTLS.

We tried to migrate all the passwords, but due to the different legacy formats some could not be properly transfered. If you cannot login despite the instructions above, please contact us immediately and we will provide you with a new password.

An e-mail administration panel at https://email.ecobytes.net allows you to change your password.

Why the change on the login?

The old system did not have real support for multiple domains, so all accounts there had no domain and were prefixed with initials of the related domain (e.g. eb-someone for someone@ecobytes.net).

Can't see your folders?

Your folder subscription settings are not kept after the migration. If you use folders, you need to subscribe to them again (on the webmail go to settings > folders, on Thunderbird right click on your account and choose the option "subscribe...")

No space left?

On the new system we enforce quotas. By default, every account receives 5 Gb. If you are out of quota, either delete/archive old e-mails or contact us to deal a new quota.

Why are the mailing lists not working?

The mailing lists were using the same old system and are still not migrated. We are working on this to happen within the next few days.

Questions or difficulties?

This was a long and painful migration, which we have been preparing and working on since months. We tried our best to provide you a simple experience on this move from a very old system, but problems and difficulties will certainly emerge. Feel welcome to talk to us on the #ecobytes-community lounge or write to support@ecobytes.net.