Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta


Please implement the feature, that public webforms can the saved in between and worked on later, when you are a non registered user.


Image galleries are often required by users of co-munity - from events to communities of any kind, everyone likes to have a nice place to upload and browse images.

Currently, images are typically uploaded in document pages, and then added in attached media galleries, or simply as attachments. The standard user will probably not see/know how to use media galleries, so this procedure would be more straightforward if we have an own content type for it, which can then have custom panelizing and added to a specific section type - itself also panelized.

If you have suggestions or requests on the implementation of image galleries in co-munity, please feel invited to leave your comment here.


Webforms have been implemented in co-munity, but their integration with the Open Atrium/Organic Groups is only minimal.

A particularly requested feature is to allow group admins to access the results of the webform within a group. Currently only the webform creator (owner) is able to access this.

The implementation has been agreed and will be supported by a contribution from the Transition Netzwerk e.V. and should ideally be operational before the end of November 2016.


A desired feature by some users and organisations is to be able to use both Owncloud for syncing files among groups, but then also be able to connect with the existing communities here.

There are different forms such an implementation could work, with limitations and different levels of effort.

For a reading this can be a starting point: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/136619/how-to-make-a-link-betw...

Media browser plus would allow to have a filesystem mapping of the media browser categories, which together with a mounting of specific group paths via webdav could offer an interesting possibility.


The support group detailed minutes should be copied from its etherpad and added as a document here, for future reference and discoverability.

Please note that pictures are still missing, as soon as they come, please share them here or elsewhere, as to include them in the final document.

Trailer "Buen Vivir - Neue Töne aus Lateinamerika mit Grupo Sal und Alberto Acosta"

Media Folder

Eintrittskarte * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen

Eintrittskarte ermäßigt * "Buen Vivir" * Witzenhausen